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(2024)Despite many attempts to promote gender equality, the working life is still gendered. Although much research has been done on gender equality, the impact of outsourced recruitment on gender equality needs to be further explored in the Finnish context. Previous research on the impact of recruiters on gender equality shows that recruiters' work and assessment of job applicants is influenced by many unconscious assumptions. Recruitment can be seen as a process that maintains inequality with the recruiter acting as a gatekeeper to the working life. The concept of the ideal worker has also been widely studied as a phenomenon where the ideal worker is something that no job seeker can achieve. This thesis examines equality as part of recruiters’ work and the recruiter as the producer of the concept of ideal worker. The research data was collected from interviews with professionals of recruitment conducted during the summer and autumn of 2023. A total of three recruiters from three different outsourced recruitment companies participated in the interviews. The interviews were conducted as semi-structured qualitative interviews. Critical discourse analysis was used to analyze the interview data. The critical discursive approach allows for the examination of potential structures of power emerging from the data. Three different discourses emerged from the interviews with recruiters: the discourse of responsibility, the discourse of gender neutrality and the discourse of the ideal worker. Recruiters' discourses conveyed a mixed picture of who is responsible for promoting gender equality in recruitment. In the interviews, the importance of gender in the recruitment process was downplayed. However, the ideal worker was created through strong contrasts between different genders and job positions. In the light of this thesis, the recruiter is seen as a gatekeeper of gender equality as is also stated in previous research. This thesis creates an image of recruiters as strong actors in gender equality who have the power to influence people's work situation but at the same time do not acknowledge the importance of gender in the recruitment process. Further research is needed on the competence of recruiters' regarding equality and on the impact of outsourced recruitment on gender equality in recruitment
(2024)Objective of the study. Teachers' professional agency can be used to examine how teachers learn in their work. There exists little earlier research on the professional agency among teachers in the induction phase, even less has it been studied during the global pandemic. It was therefore necessary investigate the topic in detail. This study had two research questions. The first step was to examine what kind of key learning experiences basic education teachers had during the Covid-19 pandemic in their teacher-student interactions. Second, it was examined how the professional agency of basic education teachers appeared in their teacher-student interaction situations during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods. The research material consisted of eleven individual interviews with basic education teachers in the induction phase. The data were collected as part of the " Early Career Teach-ers' Professional Agency Across Four European Countries – Key for Sustainable Educational Change? research project carried out in 2018–2022 funded by the Suomi Akatemia. The inter-view had three themes which related to the interviewees' 1) significant learning experiences and professional development, 2) the professional community in the early stages of their ca-reers, and 3) working during the Covid-19 pandemic. The interviews were analyzed using the method of qualitative theory-driven analysis. Results and conclusions. The results of the study showed that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the key learning experiences of induction phase teachers were related to remote and in-person classroom situations with groups of students and individual students. The professional agency of the teachers in the induction phase was strongest in classroom situations. The independent activities of teachers were emphasized in the chosen strategies. Teachers were motivated by commitment to students. Teachers' self-efficacy was illustrated by coping with work tasks dur-ing the Covid-19 pandemic. Compared to previous studies, this study especially highlighted teachers' willingness to meet their students individually. The teachers had a positive attitude towards the use of new IT applications and platforms, which they planned to utilize even after the exceptional circumstances. The findings can be applied to supporting the professional agency of teachers at the beginning of their careers and in the versatile implementation of teaching outside the exceptional circumstances.
(2024)The aim of this thesis is to explore parents’ experiences of well-being in everyday life after the birth of their first child. The transition to parenthood with the first child is a unique time, as all the changes in everyday life are experienced for the first time, and it can surprise you in many ways. Family formation after the first child has been described as a critical transi-tional phase, in which everyday practices and rhythms change and adjustments are made in the relationship to meet the challenges of parenthood. Previous research has highlighted declining birth rates, parental exhaustion and experiences of uneven distribution of house-hold tasks. Therefore, there is a perceived need to increase honest discussion about par-enting and how well-being and feelings of equality could be enhanced in parenthood. The thesis was conducted using a qualitative research approach. The data were collected in October 2023 by interviewing seven (N=7) parents on parental leave with their first child. The data were analyzed using theory-based qualitative content analysis. The results of the study are not quantitatively generalizable. The transition in the families was seen as significant compared to the past. In the context of parenting a newborn, many factors contributed to and supported satisfaction and well-being in various ways but also presented conflicting and challenging experiences. New tasks such as breastfeeding, putting the baby to sleep and childcare were seen as rewarding in many ways, fostering a connection with the baby. Challenges highlighted the learning of these tasks and experiences of uncertainty. Personal time took on new meanings and was seen as a very important factor supporting personal identity and emotional well-being. Regularity in the rhythms of daily life with a baby made it easier to anticipate everyday life, but modera-tion and flexibility were seen as necessary. Everyone described equal parenting as im-portant, but there was variation in its implementation. When equality was achieved, parents' basic needs were met, household chores were evenly distributed, sufficient personal time was available, and a sense of gratitude, a willingness to prioritize the spouse and good communication also increased satisfaction in the relationship. Parents experiencing inequali-ty highlighted increased workload, negotiating while tired, lack of empathy and appreciation, and communication challenges as factors that undermined the well-being of the relation-ship. Support from relatives and society increased satisfaction if trust was felt and help was available when needed. Parental well-being experiences were seen to be influenced by ba-by-related characteristics. The experience of smooth everyday life was mirrored in expecta-tions and perceptions, and the fear of colic had been unfounded in each interviewee. As a result, most felt that everything could go well for the most part and that the occasional chal-lenges of parenting a newborn were seen as a natural part of everyday life that one could overcome. The pressures of parenthood emerged on several occasions, although at the same time most expressed confidence in their parenting and did not perceive the pressures as burdensome. As a topic for further research, it would be important to explore these pres-sures and perceptions in more detail. It would also be important to explore the experiences and changes in the well-being of parents’ that have resulted from the family leave reform. The results of this study bring theoretical insights and a deep understanding of early parenthood to the field of home economics research, in which context the findings can be utilized, for example, to provide empathy and support.
(2024)Migration trends globally are reshaping primary and secondary school demographics leading to increased linguistic and cultural diversity in historically monocultural settings. In La Rioja, Spain, students with immigrant backgrounds make up more than 15% of the current student body. Teachers are navigating these intercultural classrooms with varying experiences implementing culturally and linguistically responsive teaching. Research currently focuses on student academic performance and well-being deficits as well as deficit-based public and teacher narratives. This leaves a gap in research on the teacher experience and positive narratives. This study aims to fill this gap by addressing two research questions: What are the components of positive narratives of teachers working with students with immigrant backgrounds? What are teachers’ understandings of linguistically responsive teaching (LRT) and culturally responsive teaching (CRT)? The data was collected through qualitative semi-structured interviews of seven teachers with varying years of experience in primary and secondary schools. A narrative driven content analysis was used to inductively code the positive narratives and deductively code the understandings of the pedagogies based on a combined LRT and CRT framework. Traces of the Narrative Dimension Model were used to evaluate the form of the narratives enhancing understandings of the teacher’s perspectives and experiences. Results from this study show three components of teachers’ positive narratives: growth as a teacher, satisfaction and efficacy, and inclusive community extending previous research which has overlooked these aspects. The narratives collectively indicate an emerging understanding among teachers of LRT and CRT in both teacher orientations and skills. Some inconsistencies in the understanding of academic rigor and scaffolds for language learners persist. Nonetheless, these positive narratives offer a fresh perspective that contrasts with the prevailing research focused on challenges. Teachers expressed strong and clear appreciation for the positive aspects of their experiences. Through personal authorship and some shared ownership, the teachers highlight the enriching aspects of teaching diverse student populations. The study shows the potential inherent in classrooms with students with immigrant backgrounds to improve education for all students.
(2024)Home economic textbooks reflect the educational goals of a specific era within a certain cul-tural context. Examining home economic textbooks helps to understand what content and values society wants to emphasize in home economics education. This thesis explores the topics related to baking and baked goods as presented in home economic textbooks from 1980s to the 2020s. The aim of the study is to examine how food culture traditions and globalization are portrayed around themes related to baking. The background of the study is formed by historical and societal themes, including authenticity, exoticism, culinary cosmo-politanism, as well as everyday life and holiday tradition. The study was conducted as a qualitative content analysis. The data was collected from eight textbooks and the presentation of baked goods were compared to Finnish culinary cul-ture. The research also examined how exotic global culinary trends have become visible in the textbooks. Data analysis was performed using a theory-driven content analysis ap-proach. As a result of globalization baked goods may gradually become part of our own food cul-ture. If a pastry originally considered exotic is included in a home economic textbook, can it then be seen as integrated into Finnish food culture? All textbooks presented historical as-pects of our culinary culture, although these were more emphasized in older textbooks. The textbooks reflected the spirit and the curriculum values of their time. This was particularly evident in the emphasis on authenticity and exoticism related to baking and culinary culture in textbooks before the 2000s. Textbooks from the 2000s are more international and reflect the arrival of culinary trends and culinary cosmopolitanism into Finnish food culture and textbooks. Culinary cosmopolitanism can be seen as a dialogue between cultures. Culinary cosmopolitanism can facilitate discussions about different food cultures and ways of eating and find commonalities between different food cultures.
(2024)Home economics is a multidisciplinary field of study which is interested in studying issues related to families and the well-being of the household. According to the familistic concept, the family is a unit that comes before everything else. However, families with two living standards differ from this ideal, as they emphasize more individualistic features and are the focus in this research. It is known from previous studies that the uneven distribution of financial resources within the family can cause differences in well-being among family members and at the same time lead to conflicts and dissatisfaction. Data for the research was collected by publishing an invitation in Facebook to join a survey in early spring 2023. It was open for three weeks. 96 people replied. The respondents were asked to tell in their own words what kind of emotions the two different living standards evoke in them and how it manifests itself in their everyday life and well-being. Majority of those who responded to the invitation to write were women. The narratives written by the respondents were analyzed using theory-driven content analysis. Allardt's different dimensions of well-being: having, loving, doing, being, and the objective and subjective indicators derived from them by Martela were used as a reference. According to the results, there were a large amount of negative emotions such as anxiety, unfairness, inferiority and shame in families of two living standards. The feelings remained the same, regardless of whether the respondent was a member with a lower income, a higher income or a member who offered the child's perspective. In addition to negative emotions, the well-being of families was weakened by many other things. By analyzing the stories, 24 subcategories were created, which told their own story about how the different living standards affected a family. Subcategories were created under each dimension of well-being. For example, the “having” dimension can be connected to being left out of society's support networks and the fear of intergenerational transmission, and the “loving” dimension, on the other hand, can be connected to a lack of appreciation and emotional violence. Weak opportunities for self-realization can be associated with the “doing” dimension and mental health challenges with the “being” dimension. This study increases the understanding of families with two different living standards. In these families, the person in a better financial position has more power to decide on family matters. At worst, there could be indications of financial and emotional violence in the families. The phenomenon affects more women, because of the structures of society. Women tend often bear the responsibility of caring for their children and the expenses incurred by them. Based on the research, however, it can be concluded that family members should also bear responsibility for each other's financial prosperity, as it impacts all areas of well-being.
(2024)In this study, the actions of teachers are examined in the light of attachment theory. Attachment theory explains individual behavior based on early childhood caregiving experiences, leading to the formation of either a secure or insecure attachment model that influences an individual's behavior in close relationships throughout their lifespan. In attachment theory, the teacher-student relationship is seen as an attachment relationship closely resembling the bond between a child and a parent. The focus of this study is on the role of the teacher, aiming to investigate how the teacher's insecure attachment model affects the teacher-student relationship and whether it influ- ences the use of specific disciplinary methods in the classroom. Discipline is categorized into five common methods, as identified in previous research: angrily shouting at students, sarcasm, humiliation, collective punishment, and removing students from the classroom. The study employs a quantitative research approach, gathering data through an online survey from 134 teachers. The survey includes the use of ECR-R, STRS, and Discipline Scale instru- ments to examine teachers' attachment patterns, the quality of the teacher-student relationship, and the use of five different disciplinary methods. Data analysis involves analysis of variance and correlation testing. Respondents are categorized based on their attachment patterns, resulting in 101 secure and 33 insecure individuals, including 12 with avoidant attachment, 10 with ambivalent attachment, and 11 with fearful attachment. The results of the analysis of variance indicate that there is a statistically significant or nearly significant difference between teachers with secure and insecure attachment models in three var- iables measuring the quality of the teacher-student relationship. In the closeness variable, a nearly significant difference is observed between securely and ambivalently attached individuals (p = .040). In the conflict variable, a nearly significant difference is observed between avoidantly and ambivalently attached individuals (p = .024). In the dependence variable, statistical signifi- cance is found between securely and ambivalently attached individuals (p = .008) and between avoidantly and ambivalently attached individuals (p = .002). According to the correlation test, in- secure attachment has a statistically nearly significant correlation with angrily shouting at students (r=.35) and collective punishment (r=.377). Additionally, it is observed that secure attachment has a statistically significant correlation with the use of sarcasm (r=.311) and humiliation (r=.308), and a nearly significant correlation with angrily shouting at students (r=.229), collective punishment (r=.225), and removing a student from the classroom (r=.215). The findings indicate that teachers with secure and insecure attachment models impact the teacher-student relationship both positively and negatively in terms of conflict, closeness, and dependence. Securely attached teachers use disciplinary methods in a more diverse manner, while insecurely attached teachers primarily use yelling and collective punishment as effective means. The research emphasizes the importance of considering the teacher's attachment model in educational research, as its role in teaching is significant.
(2024)This thesis aims to contribute more understanding of cuteness as a phenomenon related to power relations. Objective was also to further engage in discussion about the meanings of cuteness. The subject is relevant in early childhood education field, where cuteness is present both in the relations between adults and children, and with visual and material cultural products. The study takes a multidisciplinary perspective and addresses cuteness as a material, affective, semiotic, and cultural phenomenon. Theoretical frame of reference contains different and even contradictory perspectives on cuteness. Due to its affective potential cuteness can be interpreted as a motivation for nurturing behavior and an appeal to sociality. Anthropomorphic cuteness has humanizing charisma. Cuteness can be used both to frame objects with lovability and to objectify them as weak, but it also has ambivalent indeterminacy. This empiric study emphasizes theory as a part of abductive and interpretivist research. Taking a post-structural and feministic orientation, the study applies a discursive-deconstructive reading as analysis method (see Brunila & Ikävalko, 2012). The analysis aimed to locate binary hierarchies and to identify how cuteness works in these contexts. The perspectives on cuteness gathered in the framework were used as interpretive lenses in the analysis. The multimodal research material was assembled as a discretionary sample. It consists of two mutually different product of children´s culture, which are Molang -animation episode The Party (2015, Millimages) and Tatu ja Patu – Kovaa menoa kiskoilla (2020, Havukainen, A. & Toivonen, S., Otava). The power-related dimensions of cuteness were located in material-discursive practices which concern childhood and adulthood, emotion and reason, strange and normal, female and male, feminine and masculine, lovable and disgusting, animal and human, and immoral and moral actor. It is stated that cuteness has potential both for the use of power that objectifies the other and for resisting it. The results show how cuteness is connected to different contexts taking part in power relations. The results are considered to have value in the context of education. In discussion cuteness is considered as a contradictory phenomenon in its meaning that requires questioning of habitual thought patterns and ethical reflection. The possibilities of posthumanist and postqualitative research, the relationships between cuteness and humor, and the inexhaustible field of cute consumer culture are mentioned as topics for further research.
(2024)The purpose of this study was to investigate the views of primary school teachers on school´s readiness to accommodate all diverse learners. The subject topic captivated my interest due to the emphasis placed by the interviewed primary school teachers in my bachelor's thesis on the readiness of the school, even though the actual research focused on children´s school readiness. Additionally, since the 2000s, discussion in Finland regarding school readiness have shifted towards the organization of education rather than solely focusing on children's readiness for school. Several research also support this shift. Readiness of the school has been extensively investigated as part of inclusive education. On the other hand, in the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education (2014), the word inclusion is mentioned only once. The aim of this study was to determinate the requisite preparedness of educational institutions to accommodate the diverse needs of incoming students, and to clarify the strategies of implementation of inclusion. In my qualitative research, six primary school teachers who work in elementary education participated. Thematic interviews were used as data collection method, as they allowed clarifying questions to be asked from the participants. The interviews were recorded, videotaped and transcribed for further analysis. The chosen method for analysis in my research was theory-guided content analysis, supported by thematic categorization. The data was then categorized into seven themes, which will be referred to as "upper-level categories" in the following study. These upper-level categories consist of resources, competent teacher, leadership, collaboration with preschool teachers, inclusivity, resources, and differentiation. My research findings strongly imply that primary school teachers considered resources to be the most important factor in the readiness of the school and the implementation of inclusion. However, primary school teachers described school resources as inadequate to meet the needs of all incoming students. Primary school teachers discussion about the most important readiness factors for accommodating all incoming students were centered around resources, teachers' professional skills, leadership, and collaboration with preschool teachers. Primary school teachers instead reported focusing on the implementation of inclusion through various inclusion-related actions, available resources, and diverse differentiation. Generally, five out of six primary school teachers had a positive attitude towards inclusion and the readiness of the school to accommodate all diverse learners. This study provides valuable information especially for primary school teachers, but also for principals interested in inclusion and implementing inclusive education.
(2024)Maisterintyö tutkii ohjelmistokehityskonsulttien oppimisen halua ja kykyä tukevia tekijöitä. Teoreettinen viitekehys ja aikaisempi tutkimustausta selittävät oppimista sosiokulttuurisen ja kognitiivisen oppimisteorian avulla. Molemmat näkökulmat ovat tarpeellisia tässä tutkimuksessa, koska asiantuntijatyön vaatimukset oppimisella ovat vahvasti sidoksissa sosiaalisen osaamisen tasoon ja kapitalistiseen kulttuuriin. Toisinaan oppimisen halua ja kykyä voidaan ymmärtää laajemmin yhdistämällä kognitiivinen näkökulma sosiaaliseen rinnalle, joka käsittää henkilökohtaiset edellytykset oppimiselle merkittävinä. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena haastattelututkimuksena, jossa seitsemän asiantuntijan kokemusten syväanalyysi pyrkii vastaamaan viiteen tutkimuskysymykseen. Oppiminen ja osaamisen kehittäminen ovat henkilökohtaisia prosesseja, joiden ymmärtämiseen vaaditaan kattavaa analyysiä asenteista, uskomuksista ja ympäristöstä, jotta eri tekijöiden vaikutukset tuloksiin voidaan huomioida. Tutkimuksen tulokset kertovat, että oppimista haittaavien asioiden poistaminen ja hyvinvointia tukeva ympäristö, merkityksellisyys, tietoisuus, työssä oppiminen ja yhteisö ovat merkittäviä tekijöitä konsulttien halussa ja kyvyssä oppia.
(2024)From the year 1999 every government has aimed to support parenting (Sihvonen, 2020). Inadequate parenting has been seen as a cause for distress and unfavourable development in children and youth, which parenting support aims to prevent (Sihvonen, 2020). However, the concern directed at the quality of parenting is an old phenomenon. Concerns about upbringing at homes has influenced the founding of finnish home upbringing association (current parenting association) in the year 1907 and the founding and spreading of cribs and nurserys (current early childhood education) (Parjo, 2003; Antikainen, Rinne & Koski, 2021). Although parenting has been around through the history of humankind, the term “parenting” has formed along the societal modernization (Sihvonen, 2020). Parenting can be observed as multidimensional construct that is genetically and socially formed relation between a parent and a child and on the other hand culturally formed phenomena, that is build, learned and developed through social interaction with the surrounding community (Arell ym., 2019; Sihvonen, 2020). The quality of parenting has been proved to have long lasting effects on the child´s development. Especially the parents ability or inability to respond to the child´s needs in the right time and in an appropriate quantity and quality has long-term effects on the child´s emotional life, brain development and physical health (Kalland & Salo, 2020; Viljamaa, 2003). The purpose of this study is to identify family policy measures that targeted to parenting support, aims of parenting support and parenting support development goals. This study is conducted as a qualitative content analysis using a systematic approach and the literature consists of 22 publications from the governmental publication archive. According to my study, parenting support is implemented primarily through informative support (parenting- and family counselling, guidance), early childhood education, multi-professional cooperation, study-based parenting programs and social support. Parenting support aims to influence the overall wellbeing of families and to prevent children´s negative development, which in addition to personal challenges, causes significant costs to society. The challenges of parenting support were identified as scarce resources, availability of services, timely identification of needed support, individual-oriented culture, the increased diversity of society and the lack of cooperation between service providers. According to the study, the role of early childhood education in parenting support seemed to be conflicted.
(2024)Compulsory education was historically expanded in Finland in 2021. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the views of student counselors on issues that affect transitions between elementary school and secondary school, the discourses that can be located from the speech of student counselors and the subject positions formed for students in them, and the meanings given by counselors to the expansion of compulsory education. Previous research has shown that school practices produce acts of discrimination that reproduce inequality, which are manifested through the subject positions produced in the discourses. Leaning on Michel Foucault's view of power and theories about language and discourses, I aim to examine these mechanisms and shed light on hidden power structures that materialize in everyday school practices. My desire is to examine the extent to which a reform such as the expansion of compulsory education has the potential to influence issues of inequality. The research task is to find out (1) which factors influence the students' placement in the second grade according to the counselors' views, (2) what kind of subject positions are built for the students in the counselors' speech, and (3) what kind of meanings do the counselors give to the reform of compulsory education? I study the topic through themed interviews I conducted with five primary school or secondary school student counselors. As a research method I use discourse. The research results followed the results that has emerged in previous studies. Various factors based on student characteristics determined the choice of secondary education according to the instructors' views. At the same time, a clear dichotomous division was formed between upper secondary school and vocational school, which became evident in the ratings of families and students and in the placement of students. Poor academic performance, practicality and manual skills promoted the choice of a vocational school, while good academic performance favored the choice of upper secondary school. Two discourses, the discourse of reaching the school's goals and the discourse of the ideal citizen, could be highlighted in the interviews. In discourse were nuilt discourses, four different subject positions, which influenced how students were talked about and how their opportunities to attend school were valued.
(2024)Objectives The research task of this thesis is to examine how former and current primary school teachers perceive the teaching of species knowledge in schools and what experiences and attitudes they themselves have towards species knowledge. Additionally, the thesis investigates whether the teaching of species knowledge and teachers' attitudes have changed during the existence of the Finnish comprehensive school. Methods Qualitative research methods were employed in this thesis. Data collection was conducted through interviews with six former and current primary school teachers. A semi-structured thematic interview approach was used, and the data were analyzed inductively using techniques of data-driven content analysis. Results and Conclusions All interviewees felt that they possessed sufficient skills to teach species knowledge but expressed a desire to further develop these skills. Participants implemented species education using a variety of teaching methods and emphasized the significance of various materials and field trips in teaching. Teachers identified studying species in nature as the best teaching method, although they faced challenges related to outdoor teaching. Teachers considered species knowledge important for various reasons, including safety, environmental awareness, and practical application. Good species knowledge was seen as enhancing students' motivation to study environmental science, biology, and geography. Interviewed teachers noticed the impact of curriculum changes on species knowledge education, particularly with an emphasis on plant species identification. Many felt that the teaching of species identification at school had increased quantitatively. Several teachers raised the question of whether new technologies and the abundance of information could reduce students' profound interest in nature.
(2024)This master's thesis examines Religious and Worldview Education in Finland. The aim of the research is to explore the thoughts of guardians of secondary school students in the capital region regarding the teaching of religious and worldview subjects. The study investigates the opinions of guardians in the capital region on the organization of religious and worldview education in schools. Additionally, the research delves into the views of guardians on the nature of religious and worldview education in schools. The purpose of this study is to consider the perspectives of guardians in the development of religious and worldview education. The research data is part of the project Näkökulmia osittain yhdistettyyn katsomusopetukseen ja katsomusdialogikasvatukseen oppilaiden ja huoltajien kokemana implemented in collaboration with a secondary school in the capital region. The data for this study consisted of survey responses collected from guardians through Wilma messages during the winter of 2022–2023. The survey was sent to the guardians of 400 students in the school, with 83 respondents. The research was conducted as a quantitative study, and the data was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 28 software. The research results indicate that most guardians are willing to modify the current religious and worldview education. Most guardians perceived religious and worldview education as important in a diverse world, emphasizing the need for inclusive instruction covering various religions and beliefs. Most guardians considered religious and worldview education to be broadening, providing knowledge to understand society. and teaching insight into the role and significance of religions and other belief systems in society. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that most guardians would be willing to change the current arrangement of religious and worldview education to meet the needs of a changing and pluralistic society.
(2024)Objectives. This paper examines the epistemic activity of a small group of 7th grade comprehensive school pupils in a single session of innovation. The pupils work together to design and build a "smart pillow". The pupils' handicraft combines electrical engineering and sewing. The study analyzes epistemic search sequences (ESS): situations in which pupils fill in gaps in their knowledge. In these situations, the pupils ask and answer questions in an informed way. The paper explores how pupils negotiate shared epistemic expertise and knowledge construction in their interactions. The paper analyzes the verbal, gestural, and material interactions of pupils. Methods. Conversation analysis (CA) looks at interaction moment by moment. It is based on pupils' interpretations of each other's verbal and nonverbal actions. The primary data for the study is video footage recorded with a single camera and microphone, which was then transcribed. The same group of pupils was previously studied (Davies et al., 2023; Mehto et al., 2020b) using mostly theory-driven methods with focus on a longer time span of collaboration. However, CA brings the pupils' interactions into a data-driven focus that includes microanalytical study of verbal, gestural, and material activities during a single meeting. Results and conclusions. The epistemic interaction between pupils was learning oriented. The analysis showed that the pupils made progress in their work by frequently asking and answering questions (F=157). Through question-answer adjacency pairs, pupils positioned themselves as epistemically knowledgeable (K) in different ways. The analysis showed that pupils who were more frequently positioned as more knowledgeable (K+) asked more informative questions and gave more instructions. Pupils used gestures to guide their work. They used gaze to review information stored both on the prototype and a smartphone. Pupils also showed epistemic evaluation expertise with the use of modal verbs. The pupils approached craft know-how from perspectives of possibility and necessity. The most frequently used modal verbs were voida (can), pitää (must), saada (get) and kannattaa (it is worth).
(2024)In 2019 the new Upper Secondary School Act (714/2018) entered into force as a part of a larger upper secondary school reform. The Upper Secondary School Act obliges every upper secondary school to organize special education for all students who have challenges in learning. It was volyntary to organize special education before the reform, and special education was offered mainly in large cities. The purpose of this thesis is to describe the job description of special education teacher in upper secondary school and potential job description in the future. There is only a little previous research on special education in upper secondary schools. This thesis was conducted as a qualitative study. The material consisted of interviews with four special education teachers. At the time of the interview, the interviewees worked in upper secondary schools. The interviews were conducted as semi-structured thematic interviews and theory-driven content analysis was selected as the method of analysis. According to the results the job description of a special education teacher in upper secondary school can be divided into three themes which are student work, cooperation and developmental work. Work emphasizes individual work with students, and testing for difficulties in reading takes a lot of time. Cooperation is closest with student counsellor. Consultation is mostly informal (conversations in the corridors for example). Acting as a special education teacher in the upper secondary school requires continuous additional training. Encounters with students and the freedom to plan one’s schedule bring a lot of joy. Challenges encountered at work include difficulties in scheduling, insufficient resources and digitalization. The themes of the job will most likely remain fairly similar in the future. Teaching will change from individual work to more collaborative work. The cooperation is probably closer with all the personnel of the school. More resources for special education in all upper secondary schools in Finland is hoped. Special education teachers will hopefully have the opportunity to act as promoters of the general well-being of students. Materials should also be in print instead of digital materials.
Opiskelijoiden psykologisten perustarpeiden tukeminen kotoutumiskoulutuksessa – opettajien kuvauksia (2024)The purpose of this thesis is to describe how the basic psychological needs of students are met in integration training. The target group of the thesis were Finnish language teachers of integration training, from whose interview speech I looked for descriptions of factors promoting or limiting students' needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. The data was collected in May-June 2023. Six Finnish language teachers participated in the individual interviews. The transcribed material was analyzed using theory-driven content analysis. Student autonomy may not always be realized during the stage of guiding them into integration training. This is apparent to teachers, for example, in the student's lack of awareness about the reasons for being guided into a group and about their own opportunities. Some students would prioritize more vocationally-focused education or entering the workforce. Teachers strive to consider students' interests and opinions in planning educational content and methods. How-ever, this is challenging without a common language and interpreters are not always an option. Not all students are accustomed to expressing their opinions in a school context. Workplace learning provides a structural opportunity to influence one’s own education. OPAL feedback surveys were also mentioned as a way for students to have an impact. Teachers described the employment and language skill goals of integration training as unrealistic for students in slower groups. The personal goals of students were also sometimes seen as unrealistic. Students' sense of competence is primarily fostered through diverse study methods and learning environments. Integration training groups were described as heterogeneous. It was considered important that a student is guided to a group that matches their level. Challenges have been experienced in differentiation and in utilizing special education resources. Some-times it has been necessary to suggest a group change for a student during a course. Teachers reported trying to create a personal relationship with students. Some students' disrespectful attitudes towards female teachers have sometimes been challenging. The promotion of a relatedness among students in integration training was described briefly. A few teachers mentioned methods of group building. Students' need for relatedness has been limited by the extensive use of their mother tongue, cultural conflicts, and student absences.
(2024)Objectives. Early mathematical skills predict future academic success. The development of mathematical skills during primary school years tends to be weaker in children learning Finnish as a second language as compared to native speakers. However, these skills beginto develop early in life, with mathematical vocabulary playing a crucial role. Given that learning the Finnish language is a time-consuming process, there is a growing demand for valid and reliable assessment methods for mathematical skills and vocabulary that do not necessitate speech production in the second language. The SMST Picture Vocabulary Test aims to assess the recognition of words related to mathematics. The first objective of this study is to analyze the reliability and validity of this test, while the second is to examine the role of age, home language, gender, and the duration of participation in Early Childhood Education (ECE) in relation to knowledge of vocabulary. Methods. The data was gathered from children who were Finnish language learners aged 5–7 years (N=100) attending public ECE centers in the capital area. The reliability of the test was evaluated through internal consistency analyses. Additionally, known-group validity and concurrent validity assessments were conducted. Knowledge of mathematical vocabulary was examined through test results, with additional background data collected from teachers. Teachers evaluated the overall language and mathematical skills of the children. The study employed a quantitative approach with statistical analysis methods using the IBM SPSS program. Main results and conclusions. The study suggests that the SMST Picture Vocabulary Test demonstrates weak reliability, yet moderate validity, to be used for children learning Finnish as a second language. Concurrent validity analysis affirms the test to be primarily a vocabulary knowledge assessment tool. The SMST test demonstrated the ability to differentiate between two pre-established groups (Finnish language learners and native speakers) in mathematical skills through knowledge of mathematical vocabulary, thereby supporting the known-group validity of the test. The duration of participation in ECE emerged as the strongest indicator for mathematical vocabulary test results, followed by age, predicting 29 % of the vocabulary knowledge. Gender differences were found, with the results favoring girls. Home language showed no significant relation to competency in math vocabulary. The findings from this study pave the way for further research into the assessment of mathematical vocabulary knowledge among Finnish language learners, with a particular focus on understanding the factors influencing this knowledge.
(2024)The purpose of this phenomenological study was to find out the experiences of sense of belonging and participation of students with special needs in vocational education. I aim to increase understanding of the experiences of sense of belonging and participation of students with special needs with the research questions about how students with special needs feel they participate in their own studies, to the student community and in their educational institution in vocational education. There is not much previous research on sense of belonging and participation of special needs students in vocational education and it is partly contradictory. According to it, students with special needs are seen as a vulnerable group, even though they may have stronger experiences of inclusion than other students, e.g., influencing in student activities. The data of the research was gathered using thematic interviews. The interviewees studied vocational upper secondary qualification at a large vocational school operating in the capital region, and they had a special needs decision. Three of the interviewees were 18–19 years old and three were 25–34 years old. The interviews were recorded, the data was transcribed and analyzed using content analysis. Students' sense of belonging and participation in their own studies was divided into three dimensions; my study path is my own, go with the flow and others are deciding my study path. Students' participation in the student community was divided into four dimensions; I belong to my institution, I belong to groups, I do not belong to groups, and things do not always go as planned. Students' participation in the educational institution was divided into three dimensions; well-being and participation, varying opportunities to influence and the actions of staff affect sense of belonging and participation. Students’ special needs did not appear as a defining feature of the students' sense of belonging and participation, and the students' strengths and challenges influenced perceptions of it. The experiences of sense of belonging and participation differed in some areas with the younger and older age groups. The results of the study were in line with previous research, but some deviations were found. However, the work raised additional questions that were not resolved with the help of the data and sources used.
(2024)The objective of this research is to study cultural imagery within inclusivity driven learn-ing environments, particularizing in visual aid and the representation of diversity. The subject of the research is visual aid pictures found in the learning environments of public day care centers in Helsinki. The focus of the research is to examine what kind of visual aid pictures are selected to be used in the public areas of the day care centers and if they portray their user. The user be-ing a diverse customer group, based on the values of inclusive early childhood education suitable for all. Do the visual aid pictures depict the features of the majority groups, or are disparities disclosed in the imagery selected? Diversity and disparities are defined accord-ing to prior theory taking into consideration the perspectives of the narratives. In which ways are the majority groups or deviation from it portrayed in Finnish early childhood education and is the opposition of these concepts visible in the selection of vis-ual aid used in the learning environments? Prior theory states that the main values in in-clusive early childhood education revolve around a child’s sense of being seen and heard. In order to produce a sense of being seen and heard for all children, the chosen imagery must also depict this. All children have the right to be seen and accepted for who they are and experience social cohesion within inclusive early childhood education regardless of their heritage, physical features and abilities, gender, illness, disability or belonging to any other minority group. The data was compiled between December 2022 and February 2023. The data collection was executed by photographing visual aid pictures inside of public day care centers in five different ECE districts of Helsinki. The data was analyzed by using qualitative content analysis and quantitative coding. Empirical information was formed by means of coding, responding to the research problems about the quantity of diversity visible. The research hypothesis is that the diversity visible in the used visual aid pictures varies between different ECE districts, according to the customer base and employees. If the em-ployees are qualified and adequately educated, it can be presumed that the pedagogically selected visual aid is of good quality and portrays values of inclusion well. If the customer base of the day care center is diverse, it can be assumed that diversity is seen as the norm in the visual aid pictures. The availability of visual aid pictures can be presumed to have an impact on the selection. If the results indicate that visual aid pictures are selected from a sparse source base, it will reduce the quantity and extent of diversity and disparities. The main hypothesis of the research is, that visual aid which a child relates to and reminds a child of itself increases the experience and sense of being seen and heard, advancing the actualization of the values of inclusive early childhood education.
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