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Submitting and publishing your thesis in digital format (E-thesis)

Faculty of Science

Master's theses will be assessed in the new e-thesis from 1.1.2025.
Go to the new E-thesis.

If you are studying in the Master’s Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences or the Master’s Programme in Materials Research and have requested the assessment of your thesis according to the old assessment matrix, submit your thesis in the old E-thesis in accordance with the instructions below.

Technical depositing instructions

1. Convert your thesis (including the title page first and then the abstract and finally the thesis) into a single accessible PDF file, name the file Surname_Firstname_thesis_year (without Scandinavian letters or special characters) and save it. Check that the pdf file is in text format. The easiest way to see it is to be able to select / paint text with the mouse.

2. If you have written your thesis in LaTeX, please also note the instructions on accessibility of a thesis written in LaTeX.

3. Activate your Office 365 email if you haven´t done it yet. A thesis cannot be submitted without a valid email address. (NOTE! Activation takes one night.)

4. Sign in to the submission form using your University of Helsinki username and password (link below) and proceed in the following order:

  • Fill in the information required. If your thesis includes the abstract in several languages, repeat the abstract field.

  • First upload the PDF file of your thesis (first file goest to Ouriginal) and if you done your thesis with LaTeX, I you wish, save the source code as a zip file (see instructions on accessibility.

  • NOTE! It is possible to add another file by continuing to the Review page and correcting the Upload File(s).

  • Ensure that everything has been entered correctly, make changes if needed.

NOTE. Once the thesis has been submitted to the E-thesis system, it can no longer be edited. Please be careful!

5. At the last stage of submitting, you will be asked for online publication permission.

6. After answering the question about the permission, complite submission.

7. After compliting you will see the Submission Complite view. Please note that you will not receive a separate confirmation message from the submission!

8. The thesis is now pending in the system for further processing. Someone at the Student Services checks that the file you have submitted is the same that was accepted in Degree Programmes Steering Group.

Submission Form for The Faculty of Science

Publishing online

At the University of Helsinki, master’s theses are published in HELDA, the Helsinki University’s open digital repository. Online publication is recommended, since your work will gain a permanent publication platform and web address. The thesis abstract and descriptive information are always published in Helsinki University´s open digital repository.

If your thesis contains an article published in a journal, or an article based on your thesis is in the works, the thesis may not be published openly as such. You can often get information from the publisher of the article about their Open Access publishing policies. If you need more information about publishing, you can contact the service


If your work contains information that is not openly published online, please contact the supervisor of your thesis. If you do not accept the publishing license, the PDF version of your thesis will be stored in such a way that the full text can only be accessed locally from Helsinki university library computers ("archived") but the reference and the abstract will be published in Helda.

If you need help

  • If you have problems with saving or publishing the thesis, please contact
  • With questions about process before archiving thesis, contact student services in Kumpula (


You may submit and publish your thesis even after you have graduated. In this case, please send e-mail to