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Digital dissertations and theses at the University of Helsinki

This site describes how to search dissertations and theses written at the University of Helsinki. You can also read instructions about submitting and publishing theses. You can find more information about the services related to digital theses and dissertations here.

Browse or search dissertations and theses

You can search for digital theses and dissertations in the Helsinki University Digital Repository Helda.

How to publish your doctoral dissertation

Please read the instructions how to fill in the doctoral dissertation form and publish your doctoral dissertation in the digital repository Helda.

How to submit your master's thesis

Usage of new E-thesis in assessment of master's theses will start on 1.1.2025 in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Science (for all degree programs).

Submitting of master's theses for evaluation is done the new E-thesis in all degree programs after 1.1.2025. Theses submitted for assessment at latest on 31.12.2024, will be assessed in the old E-thesis according to schedule found in Instructions for Students.

If you are studying in the Master’s Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences or the Master’s Programme in Materials Research and have requested the assessment of your thesis according to the old assessment matrix, submit your thesis in the old E-thesis in accordance with the instructions on this page.

How to submit your bachelor's thesis

Please read the faculty specific instructions how to submit your bachelor's thesis for evaluation.

Instructions for examiners of master's theses

Please read the examiners instructions for using the E-thesis system for evaluating master's and bachelor's theses.