Browsing by Subject "suunnittelu"
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
(2018)The purposes. Aino (1894 – 1949) and Alvar Aalto (1898 – 1976) were architects and designers whose work is well known around the world. Aalto had a holistic way of thinking about architectural work, which meant creating detailed compilations, including designing textiles also. Artek used other textile producers too, but this paper focuses on the textiles Aino and Alvar Aalto designed themselves for their interior designs, furniture and world exhibitions. The purpose of this research is to figure out what textiles Aino Aalto designed at the time when Artek was founded in the 30´s and what textiles Alvar Aalto designed later, in the 50’s. Aino and especially Alvar Aalto’s architectural work and furniture design has been researched extensively, but less has been written of their textiles. Therefore, one purpose of this research is to lighten this less known area of the Aalto’s work. The methods. For the artefact study in this research I photographed every fabric sample (over 100pcs) in the Alvar Aalto Archives in Jyväskylä and sorted them by the models/prints, colours and designers. The following steps in the research were done based on the photographs. There were five different models designed by Aino Aalto among the samples, four of them were screen printed fabrics and one was a woven textile. There were five different prints designed by Alvar Aalto. For closer examination, four of Aino Aalto’s and four of Alvar Aalto’s textiles were chosen for this research. The research work analyses the textile design careers of the Aalto’s and how their fabric designs have been in use. The conclusions. Many different colour variations exist of these print designs and they have been printed on various fabrics, for example same print were printed on upholstery and curtain materials. Aino Aalto’s fabric designs have stayed as part of design history and have not been manufactured ever since. She ended up designing fabrics when she worked as Artistic Director in Artek. Alvar Aalto’s ”Siena”-fabric is still in production by Artek, perhaps because of its timeless design.
(2019)The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to describe the early childhood education teacher’s own definitions about learning environments and perceptions about children and how these two effects on the planning in under 3-year-old children group. I want to examine how aware the early childhood education teachers are when it comes to planning. The meaning is also to figure out, how teachers view themselves as a supporter of the language development. I want to have concrete examples of those supporting methods with children under three years old. The questions of my study were: 1. How early childhood education teachers define learning environments and understand children and how it is affected their planning the environment in under three-year-old children group? 2. Which things affect the planning in the learning environment and what are the basis for all of it? 3. In which way early childhood education teachers view their own role as a language supporter and how it is supported in the under three-year-old children group? My study was qualitative, and my research method was half structured interview. I collected my material by interviewing four early childhood educations teachers. They were working or had worked in under three-year-old children group past year. I analyzed my material with content analysis. The study revealed that the definitions about learning environment vary a lot. The teachers own values played a huge part defining their own actions. Either with or without the person knowing it. All the interviewees had the same starting point when they started planning, which meant that they had to know all the details about their own group. The supporter role of the language development was very important. They supported the language by speaking to the children. It was important to acknowledge the developmental stages of the child, so that they could help individuals better. Language development ways and methods were very similar within all he interviewees.
(2006)Design embraces several disciplines dedicated to the production of artifacts and services. These disciplines are quite independent and only recently has psychological interest focused on them. Nowadays, the psychological theories of design, also called design cognition literature, describe the design process from the information processing viewpoint. These models co-exist with the normative standards of how designs should be crafted. In many places there are concrete discrepancies between these two in a way that resembles the differences between the actual and ideal decision-making. This study aimed to explore the possible difference related to problem decomposition. Decomposition is a standard component of human problem-solving models and is also included in the normative models of design. The idea of decomposition is to focus on a single aspect of the problem at a time. Despite its significance, the nature of decomposition in conceptual design is poorly understood and has only been preliminary investigated. This study addressed the status of decomposition in conceptual design of products using protocol analysis. Previous empirical investigations have argued that there are implicit and explicit decomposition, but have not provided a theoretical basis for these two. Therefore, the current research began by reviewing the problem solving and design literature and then composing a cognitive model of the solution search of conceptual design. The result is a synthetic view which describes recognition and decomposition as the basic schemata for conceptual design. A psychological experiment was conducted to explore decomposition. In the test, sixteen (N=16) senior students of mechanical engineering created concepts for two alternative tasks. The concurrent think-aloud method and protocol analysis were used to study decomposition. The results showed that despite the emphasis on decomposition in the formal education, only few designers (N=3) used decomposition explicitly and spontaneously in the presented tasks, although the designers in general applied a top-down control strategy. Instead, inferring from the use of structured strategies, the designers always relied on implicit decomposition. These results confirm the initial observations found in the literature, but they also suggest that decomposition should be investigated further. In the future, the benefits and possibilities of explicit decomposition should be considered along with the cognitive mechanisms behind decomposition. After that, the current results could be reinterpreted.
(2016)The aim of the study was to investigate ideas and idea generation of designers in free improvisation tasks at conceptual level in the experiment, planned primarily for the physiological and neurological measurements. My study was a part of the multidisciplinary research project Handling Mind: Embodiment, Creativity and Design which concentrated on studying relations between mind, body and materials combining the fields of psychology, neuroscience and creativity. The neurological study did not reveal what and how participants felt, thought and experienced during the experiment which was the main interest in my study. Previous research has focused on investigating various fields of the design process, as well as the ideation phase, but investigating idea generation in the context of neuroscientific research is a new and interesting chance for the research. The ideation phase represents an iterative and vibrant nature of the design process. Previous studies have brought out the meaning of available sources of inspiration, and designers' competence to adapt the essential parts of the original sources and transform them into design outputs regarding the aspects of novelty and functionality. Therefore, I developed my research questions concerning ideas and idea development in freely improvising tasks in a new design situation. The 30 participants participated in the study as volunteers from the School of Art, Design and Architecture in Aalto University from November 2014 to March 2015. They performed copying, designing or free improvising tasks by drawing or forming clay. I organized the Stimulated Recall (SR) interviews with my colleague to collect data. We selected the 15 out of 30 interviews to represent the data in our studies. I analyzed the transcript data by qualitative content analysis: the classification scheme was both data and theory driven. The analysis revealed that designers had different ideas emerging from internal stimuli, for example, from their mental library or they were impressed by external stimuli, for instance, material, tools and cup images from the experiment. The experiment represented an external design constraint: it confined the problem space and narrowed down the alternative solutions. Designers had concrete and abstract ideas, but also the abstractions of ideas were developed. They relied on familiar topic choices but also were capable of creating analogies. Even this minimalistic design experiment revealed that designers are able to use their mental sources of inspiration and capable of picking profitable stimuli from their surroundings in new and uncertain situations for adapting and developing ideas further. Designers sought meaning for their sketching and experimenting as well.
(2020)Väestön ikääntyessä myös muistisairaiden määrä kasvaa tulevina vuosina. Hyvinvointia tukevat lähiympäristöt voivat vaikuttaa positiivisesti iäkkään elämänlaatuun ja terveyteen edistäen pidempää kotona asumista. Muistisairaiden arjen sujuvuutta ja elämäntapojen jatkuvuutta voidaan tukea selkeällä ja helposti hahmotettavalla ympäristöllä. Tässä tutkimuksessa haluttiin selvittää, miten iäkkäiden asumisen suunnitteluun osallistuvat tahot käsittävät lähiviheralueiden yhteyden asukkaiden hyvinvointiin ja miten hyvinvointia edistävät tekijät tulisivat nykyistä paremmin huomioiduiksi suunnitteluprosessissa. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena teemahaastatteluilla ja aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin menetelmällä. Haastatteluja tehtiin yhdeksän ja ne toteutettiin yksilö- tai ryhmähaastatteluina. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella ihanteellinen lähiviheralue on monipuolinen ja siellä on mahdollisuus kokoontua sekä tavata muita ihmisiä. Pihalla on mahdollista sekä fyysisesti aktiivinen että passiivinen toiminta, ja jokainen voi osallistua haluamallaan tavalla. Esteettömyys on tärkeää niin hoitotyön kuin asukkaiden itsenäisen toiminnan kannalta. Pihan tulisi tarjota erilaisia aistikokemuksia ympärivuotisesti. Suunnitteluprosessin aikana on tärkeää viestiä säännöllisesti sidosryhmille sekä antaa ihmisille mahdollisuus vaikuttaa suunnitteluun. Hyvinvointia tukeva viherympäristö on käyttäjälleen mieluisa ja monipuolisesti hyödynnettävissä. Pihan ei tarvitse välttämättä olla iso, kunhan se on suunniteltu toimivaksi. Onnistuneessa suunnitteluprosessissa hyödynnetään monialaista yhteistyötä ja osaamista.
(2020)Väestön ikääntyessä myös muistisairaiden määrä kasvaa tulevina vuosina. Hyvinvointia tukevat lähiympäristöt voivat vaikuttaa positiivisesti iäkkään elämänlaatuun ja terveyteen edistäen pidempää kotona asumista. Muistisairaiden arjen sujuvuutta ja elämäntapojen jatkuvuutta voidaan tukea selkeällä ja helposti hahmotettavalla ympäristöllä. Tässä tutkimuksessa haluttiin selvittää, miten iäkkäiden asumisen suunnitteluun osallistuvat tahot käsittävät lähiviheralueiden yhteyden asukkaiden hyvinvointiin ja miten hyvinvointia edistävät tekijät tulisivat nykyistä paremmin huomioiduiksi suunnitteluprosessissa. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena teemahaastatteluilla ja aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin menetelmällä. Haastatteluja tehtiin yhdeksän ja ne toteutettiin yksilö- tai ryhmähaastatteluina. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella ihanteellinen lähiviheralue on monipuolinen ja siellä on mahdollisuus kokoontua sekä tavata muita ihmisiä. Pihalla on mahdollista sekä fyysisesti aktiivinen että passiivinen toiminta, ja jokainen voi osallistua haluamallaan tavalla. Esteettömyys on tärkeää niin hoitotyön kuin asukkaiden itsenäisen toiminnan kannalta. Pihan tulisi tarjota erilaisia aistikokemuksia ympärivuotisesti. Suunnitteluprosessin aikana on tärkeää viestiä säännöllisesti sidosryhmille sekä antaa ihmisille mahdollisuus vaikuttaa suunnitteluun. Hyvinvointia tukeva viherympäristö on käyttäjälleen mieluisa ja monipuolisesti hyödynnettävissä. Pihan ei tarvitse välttämättä olla iso, kunhan se on suunniteltu toimivaksi. Onnistuneessa suunnitteluprosessissa hyödynnetään monialaista yhteistyötä ja osaamista.
(2022)Objectives. The research task of this study is to analyze and interpret how online e-learning materi-als focusing on the ideation and design of crafts are suitable for primary school craft education and its planning. Applicability is assessed by examining how the selected e-learning materials support the different stages of the planning process, meet the curriculum requirements, and by assessing the pedagogical quality of the selected e-learning materials. The theory section introduces the concept of holistic craft process and, in particular, the activation, ideation and design phases as part of this process. Pedagogical models of teaching and learning crafts affect the interpretation of the results. The quality criteria produced for the production and quality assessment of e-learning materials were modified to meet the expectations set by teachers for the learning material and the special needs of craft education. These modified criteria were used in the study of the pedagogical quality of the material Methods. In this master’s thesis I studied the e-learning materials available online related to the ide-ation and design of crafts. The on-line resources selected for study were Punomo, Työkaluja käsityön suunnitteluun and Kisälli 1–6, produced by SanomaPro. From these resources, I analyzed all content directly related to ideation and design, as well as assignments where the assignment in-volved elements of ideation and planning. There were a total of 211 pages or assignments to be studied. The pages were analyzed with the help of content analysis and using an analysis framework formed through theory and familiarization with the material. Results and conclusions. For the first and second stages of a holistic craft process, activation and ideation, the pages provided quite scant support. Instead, a lot of material and tasks were found for aesthetic and technical design. Very few pages had content pertaining materialization. The assign-ments also encouraged mainly independent work. Although the pages otherwise implemented the requirements of the curriculum, the use of ideas and diverse experiences and sources of inspiration remained insufficient for the requirements of the curriculum. The e-learning material found online was mainly of excellent pedagogical quality. The content was easy to use and is helpful for teachers in planning lessons.
(2022)Objectives. The research task of this study is to analyze and interpret how online e-learning materi-als focusing on the ideation and design of crafts are suitable for primary school craft education and its planning. Applicability is assessed by examining how the selected e-learning materials support the different stages of the planning process, meet the curriculum requirements, and by assessing the pedagogical quality of the selected e-learning materials. The theory section introduces the concept of holistic craft process and, in particular, the activation, ideation and design phases as part of this process. Pedagogical models of teaching and learning crafts affect the interpretation of the results. The quality criteria produced for the production and quality assessment of e-learning materials were modified to meet the expectations set by teachers for the learning material and the special needs of craft education. These modified criteria were used in the study of the pedagogical quality of the material Methods. In this master’s thesis I studied the e-learning materials available online related to the ide-ation and design of crafts. The on-line resources selected for study were Punomo, Työkaluja käsityön suunnitteluun and Kisälli 1–6, produced by SanomaPro. From these resources, I analyzed all content directly related to ideation and design, as well as assignments where the assignment in-volved elements of ideation and planning. There were a total of 211 pages or assignments to be studied. The pages were analyzed with the help of content analysis and using an analysis framework formed through theory and familiarization with the material. Results and conclusions. For the first and second stages of a holistic craft process, activation and ideation, the pages provided quite scant support. Instead, a lot of material and tasks were found for aesthetic and technical design. Very few pages had content pertaining materialization. The assign-ments also encouraged mainly independent work. Although the pages otherwise implemented the requirements of the curriculum, the use of ideas and diverse experiences and sources of inspiration remained insufficient for the requirements of the curriculum. The e-learning material found online was mainly of excellent pedagogical quality. The content was easy to use and is helpful for teachers in planning lessons.
(2022)Tutkielma käsittelee vuonna 1967 avattua Kontulan ostoskeskusta ja sen näkymistä 1960–1980-lukujen suomalaisissa sanomalehdissä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miksi Kontulan ostarille on muodostunut populaarikulttuurissa ja kansalaisten keskuudessa negatiivissävytteinen maine. Pääaineistona tutkielmassa on käytetty Kansalliskirjaston digitoituja sanomalehtiä, joiden avulla on muodostettu kuvaa siitä, miten Kontulan ostoskeskusta käsiteltiin 1960–1980-luvuilla ja millaisia mielikuvia lähiöostarista syntyi uutisten perusteella. Tutkittujen sanomalehtien Kontula-aiheinen kirjoittelu painottuu uutisartikkeleihin, mielipidekirjoituksiin ja kolumneihin. Tutkimuksella pyritään selvittämään, miten vuosikymmeniä sitten tapahtunut uutisointi vaikuttaa nykyäänkin vallitseviin mielikuviin ja mielipiteisiin Kontulan ostoskeskuksesta. Kontulan ostoskeskukseen liittynyt uutisointi oli ennen ostoskeskuksen avaamista ja heti avajaisten jälkeen hyvin positiivista ja odottavaista. Ostoskeskusta oli odotettu jo pidemmän aikaa ja sen tuomat palvelut nopeasti kasvaneelle, väestöltään suurelle lähiölle olivat enemmän kuin toivottuja. Uutisointi muuttui kuitenkin varsin nopeasti 1970-luvulle tultaessa. 1970-luvulta lähtien pitkälle 1980-lukua uutisointi oli huomattavan negatiivista ja keskittyi lähinnä kritisoimaan koko aluetta ja sen asiakkaita. Paljoakaan kehuttavaa lähiöostarista ei tuntunut löytyvän. Uutisoinnissa on nähtävissä selkeät, toistuvat aiheet, jotka voidaan kategorisoida kolmeen kategoriaan: a) alkoholiin, b) nuorison käyttäytymiseen sekä c) yleiseen rauhattomuuteen. Alkoholiin keskittynyt kirjoittelu koski Alkon myymälän ja sieltä saatavien nautintoaineiden aiheuttamaa lisääntynyttä häiriökäyttäytymistä ostarin alueella. Nuorison turhautuminen heille suunnattujen palvelujen puutteeseen näkyi häiriökäyttäytymisenä ja siihen liittyvä uutisointi oli poikkeuksetta negatiivista. Kontulan nuoriso, ja heidän aiheuttamansa turvattomuus ostarin alueella värittävät vahvasti 1960–1970-lukujen uutisointia. Yleisellä rauhattomuudella tarkoitetaan ostarilla tapahtuneita murtoja, näpistyksiä, ilkivaltaa, pahoinpitelyjä, ahdistelutapauksia ja henkirikoksia. Uutisointi on vaikuttanut mielipiteisiin ostarista, ja kontulalaisten ja muualla asuvien näkemykset poikkesivat merkittävästi toisistaan.
(2022)Tutkielma käsittelee vuonna 1967 avattua Kontulan ostoskeskusta ja sen näkymistä 1960–1980-lukujen suomalaisissa sanomalehdissä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miksi Kontulan ostarille on muodostunut populaarikulttuurissa ja kansalaisten keskuudessa negatiivissävytteinen maine. Pääaineistona tutkielmassa on käytetty Kansalliskirjaston digitoituja sanomalehtiä, joiden avulla on muodostettu kuvaa siitä, miten Kontulan ostoskeskusta käsiteltiin 1960–1980-luvuilla ja millaisia mielikuvia lähiöostarista syntyi uutisten perusteella. Tutkittujen sanomalehtien Kontula-aiheinen kirjoittelu painottuu uutisartikkeleihin, mielipidekirjoituksiin ja kolumneihin. Tutkimuksella pyritään selvittämään, miten vuosikymmeniä sitten tapahtunut uutisointi vaikuttaa nykyäänkin vallitseviin mielikuviin ja mielipiteisiin Kontulan ostoskeskuksesta. Kontulan ostoskeskukseen liittynyt uutisointi oli ennen ostoskeskuksen avaamista ja heti avajaisten jälkeen hyvin positiivista ja odottavaista. Ostoskeskusta oli odotettu jo pidemmän aikaa ja sen tuomat palvelut nopeasti kasvaneelle, väestöltään suurelle lähiölle olivat enemmän kuin toivottuja. Uutisointi muuttui kuitenkin varsin nopeasti 1970-luvulle tultaessa. 1970-luvulta lähtien pitkälle 1980-lukua uutisointi oli huomattavan negatiivista ja keskittyi lähinnä kritisoimaan koko aluetta ja sen asiakkaita. Paljoakaan kehuttavaa lähiöostarista ei tuntunut löytyvän. Uutisoinnissa on nähtävissä selkeät, toistuvat aiheet, jotka voidaan kategorisoida kolmeen kategoriaan: a) alkoholiin, b) nuorison käyttäytymiseen sekä c) yleiseen rauhattomuuteen. Alkoholiin keskittynyt kirjoittelu koski Alkon myymälän ja sieltä saatavien nautintoaineiden aiheuttamaa lisääntynyttä häiriökäyttäytymistä ostarin alueella. Nuorison turhautuminen heille suunnattujen palvelujen puutteeseen näkyi häiriökäyttäytymisenä ja siihen liittyvä uutisointi oli poikkeuksetta negatiivista. Kontulan nuoriso, ja heidän aiheuttamansa turvattomuus ostarin alueella värittävät vahvasti 1960–1970-lukujen uutisointia. Yleisellä rauhattomuudella tarkoitetaan ostarilla tapahtuneita murtoja, näpistyksiä, ilkivaltaa, pahoinpitelyjä, ahdistelutapauksia ja henkirikoksia. Uutisointi on vaikuttanut mielipiteisiin ostarista, ja kontulalaisten ja muualla asuvien näkemykset poikkesivat merkittävästi toisistaan.
(2007)The aim of the thesis was to compare the correspondence of the outcome a computer assisted program appearance compared to the original image. The aspect of the study was directed to embroidery with household machines. The study was made from the usability point of view with Brother's PE-design 6.0 embroidery design programs two automatic techniques; multicoloured fragment design and multicoloured stitch surface design. The study's subject is very current because of the fast development of machine embroidery. The theory is based on history of household sewing machines, embroidery sewing machines, stitch types in household sewing machines, embroidery design programs as well as PE-design 6.0 embroidery design program's six automatic techniques. Additionally designing of embroidery designs were included: original image, digitizing, punching, applicable sewing threads as well as the connection between embroidery designs and materials used on embroidery. Correspondences of sewn appearances were examined with sewing experimental methods. 18 research samples of five original image were sewn with both techniques. Experiments were divided into four testing stages in design program. Every testing stage was followed by experimental sewing with Brother Super Galaxie 3100D embroidery machine. Experiments were reported into process files and forms made for the techniques. Research samples were analysed on images syntactic bases with sensory perception assessment. Original images and correspondence of the embroidery appearances were analysed with a form made of it. The form was divided into colour and shape assessment in five stage-similarity-scale. Based on this correspondence analysis it can be said that with both automatic techniques the best correspondence of colour and shape was achieved by changing the standard settings and using the makers own thread chart and edited original image. According to the testing made it is impossible to inform where the image editing possibilities of the images are sufficient or does the optimum correspondence need a separate program. When aiming at correspondence between appearances of two images the computer is unable to trace by itself the appearance of the original image. Processing a computer program assisted embroidery image human perception and personal decision making are unavoidable.
(2016)Goals. This study is to research kindergarten teachers assessments about weekly programs. Research problem consisted five questions: 1. What does kindergarten teacher think weekly program consist of? 2. How does kindergarten teacher make those programs? 3. How are the themes of Preschool education program included in the weekly plan? 4. How kindergarten teachers feel that their weekly plans are realized in practice? 5. Which are the main factors that influence on the plans? Planning is important part of daily life in kindergarten. Early childhood education curriculum guide teachers in their planning. But there is still lot of freedom in planning. Research methods. Three kindergarten teachers, who worked in age groups of 3 to 5, participated in the study. The study was conducted as semi-structured interview, which included features of themecentered interviews. The interview questions were divided into themes based on research questions. The data was analyzed thematically. Results and conclusions. Kindergarten teachers who participated in the study pointed out the importance of taking responsibility in the planning process of pedagogical activities. Different responses occurred, when teacher were asked that what activities should be involved in weekly programs. These differences may occur due to every teacher’s individual way of implementing their profession. Content areas and weekly programs were seen to take place well in both weekly and monthly time schedules. Kindergarten teachers emphasized the importance of planning, evaluation and observation in the implementation of weekly plans. In addition, the interviewees felt that team commitment and work shifts have huge influence to the realization of weekly plans. Overall, results show that the planning and assessment are top priorities in the daily life of kindergarten.
(2016)This study aims to find out the views and experiences of planning time of kindergarten teachers in the City of Helsinki. In this study, planning time refers to the time kindergarten teachers use to plan their group’s activities. In previous studies on planning time, it has been discovered that there has been significantly less planning time for teachers in the capitol city area. This study was performed with a University of Helsinki e-form inquiry, which was sent to every kindergarten in the City of Helsinki. A total of 115 kindergarten teachers responded. The study was mainly quantitative, but it had some characteristics of qualitative study, as the e-form included an open question. The data was handled with an SPSS-program, from which it was exported to Excel for making charts. Reponses to the open question were analysed based on their content. In kindergartens in the City of Helsinki, teachers had an average of 1 hour 12 minutes planning time a week. 51 % of respondents had planning time outside of working hours. Planning was usually done in group spaces, and the most usual time was during the children’s resting time. Over half of the respondents, 66 %, used the children’s personal early childhood education plans as well as the plans of the kindergarten to help with planning. Responses to the open question brought up many different things concerning planning time. I divided these responses to five main groups, which were lack of resources, defining planning time content, structural changes, activity of superiors and team planning.
(2017)Creativity is found in everyday solutions, but when moving from spontaneous situations to creativity, creative thinking becomes challenging. It is possible to support creative processes and as if to learn to be creative. The observations I have made and discussions about the emergence of creativity and the actions that support it are the starting points of the thesis. The Bachelor's Thesis examines how creativity can be expressed in creative processes and what factors promote creativity. The research was conducted on the perceptions of teachers of creative processes. The theoretical framework of the study is creativity, ideation and design, instruction of creative process, and Teresa Amabile's Component Model of Creativity. The work followed the methods of qualitative research. The most important information sources were theme interviews. Through thematic interviews, it was possible to gain versatile and deep knowledge from well-informed interviewees. There were four participants in the interviews, all of whom were in charge of creative processes at different educational levels and age groups. Littered material was examined using theoretical content analysis. When reviewing the material, the theory was supplemented with the theme of self-esteem. The thesis showed that creativity is reflected in ideation and designing processes as a rich mindset and as a hard work. Creativity is insightful learning and individuals cheerful thinking. According to the research material, everyone has the skill of creativity that can be practiced. Teachers can best promote creative skills by identifying creativity components in individuals and support individuals in their skills. In order to enhance creativity, individual should identify the areas of creativity in itself, and here teachers counsel and support are important. Particularly valuable and interesting factors in promoting creativity were the good self-esteem and well-being of the individual. Teachers can give self-esteem-reinforcing assignments to reinforce the learner's self-esteem as well as guide teams groupings in the direction, which would support all learners.
(2019)The newest Curriculum for Basic education (POPS 2014) emphasizes the role of the whole craftprocess. The whole craftprocess includes significantly design, which is a multiphased and challenging prosess itself. Especially the start of the designprocess is often seen as challenging. Wide understanding of designprocess contributes designing and teaching of designing in schools. It is also important to search for multiple means to support designing, so that the hands-on learning and teaching would succeed as good as possible. The aim of this study is to examine the impact of music to ideation and inspiration in craftdesign. The impact of music can be understood and used in hands-on designwork correctly by defining the link between the impact of music and craftdesign. The theoretical part took shape in definitioning craftdesign and its phenomenons, ideation and inspiration and also opening the defition of the impact of music. The method of this study was descriptive literature review and its purpose was to combine an encompassing description of the topic. Research material consists of master thesis`s, university of applied sciences thesis and specialists researchreport, all dealing of music and crafts. Material consists of five national research altogether. Central findings concerning the researchtask were picked up from the collected material and analyzed by comparing with the theoretical part. This literature review showed that the connection between the impact of music and craftdesign goes through emotions and mental images to ideation and inspiration. Music impacts in peoples emotions, arouses mental images and enriches our imagination. In turn, in inspiration and ideation phases of craftdesign can emotions and mental images be seen as significant. This conclusion can be seen as defining the connection between the impact of music and craftdesign. Understanding and the define of this link increases the possibilities to use the impact of music to contribute learning and teaching craftdesign in schools.
(2020)Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan varhaiskasvatuksen oppimisympäristön muotoutumista ja suunnittelua ja erityisesti varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan roolia oppimisympäristön suunnittelijana suomalaisessa päiväkodissa. Valtakunnallisten varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteiden (2018) mukaan tavoitteena on varmistaa lapsille kehittävä, oppimista edistävä, terveellinen ja turvallinen sekä esteetön oppimisympäristö. Tutkielmassa selvitettiin kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen kautta 1) mistä tekijöistä oppimisympäristöjen laatu koostuu suomalaisissa päiväkodeissa ja 2) millä tavoin opettajan tulisi huomioida suunnittelussa oppimisympäristön eri osa-alueet. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin oppimista kokonaisvaltaisena prosessina sosiokulttuurisessa ja konstruktivistisessa viitekehyksessä. Oppimisympäristön käsitettä tarkasteltiin ekologisen systeemiteorian, lapsuuden maantieteen ja havaintopsykologisen viitekehyksen kautta. Suunnittelua avattiin tutkimalla, millaisissa raameissa opettaja toimii oppimisympäristön suunnittelussa. Teoriakatsauksen lopuksi hahmotettiin päiväkodin oppimisympäristön suunnittelun eri tasoja ja opettajan toimijuutta. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkastelukehyksenä hyödynnettiin päiväkotien laadunarvioinnissa käytettyä ECERS-R -mittaria ja siinä määriteltyjä päiväkotiympäristön osa-alueita (tilat ja kalustaminen, henkilökohtaiset hoitorutiinit, kieli ja päättely, toiminta ja sisällöt, vuorovaikutus, päiväohjelma sekä vanhemmat ja henkilökunta). Ensimmäisen tutkimuskysymyksen aineistona oli neljä viimeaikaista pro gradu -tutkielmaa, joissa suomalaisia päiväkotiympäristöjä on arvioitu ECERS-R -mittarin avulla. Toiseen tutkimuskysymykseen vastattiin tutkimalla pääasiassa suomalaista kirjallisuutta ECERS-R -mittarin osa-alueiden muodostaman tarkastelukehyksen kautta. Suomalaisen varhaiskasvatuksen oppimisympäristöjen laatu koostuu etenkin henkilökohtaisista hoitorutiineista ja vuorovaikutuksesta. Erityisesti pedagoginen toiminta ja sisällöt osoittautuivat laadultaan selvästi puutteellisiksi kaikissa tutkimuksissa. Tulokset antavat viitteitä siitä, että oppimisympäristöjen kokonaisvaltaiseen suunnitteluun ei kiinnitetä riittävästi huomiota. Oppimisympäristö näyttäytyi kirjallisuuden valossa laajana kokonaisuutena, jonka jokainen osa-alue on suunnittelun kannalta huomionarvioinen. Opettaja voi tehdä paljon monipuolisen ja lapsia palvelevan oppimisympäristön eteen. Tutkielma kannustaa jokaista opettajaa näkemään itsensä aktiivisena toimijana, joka ei ota ympäristöä ”annettuna” vaan sitoutuu suunnitteluun yhdessä lasten ja työyhteisön kanssa.
(2007)The aim of this work was to study, whether international fashion trends show in knit designs in Finnish craft magazines and how trends are modified. Women's knitted clothes and accessories in autumn winter season 2005 2006 were analyzed. Future research, trends, fashion, designing and knitting provides theoretical basis for this study. The trend material of this study came from Carlin Women's knitwear winter 2005 2006, which is fashion forecast for Women's knitwear. In addition to the trend book, I selected two international fashion magazines to reinforce this study. Fashion magazines were L'Officiel, 1000 models, Milan - New York - winter 05/06, No 52, April 2005 and Collezioni Donna, Prêt-à-porter autumn-winter 2005 2006, No 107. Finnish craft magazines in this study were MODA's issues 4/2005, 5/2005, 6/2005 and Novita's issues autumn 2005, winter 2005 and Suuri Käsityölehti's issues 8/2005, 9/2005, 10/2005. For the base of the analyze I took themes from the trend book. From fashion magazines I searched knitwear designs and these designs were sorted out by themes of trend book. To this trend and fashion material I compared knit designs from craft magazines. I analyzed how fashion trends show in knit designs and how they are modified. I also studied what features of trends were shown and which did not appear in knit designs of the craft magazines. For analyzing trend pictures and knit designs in craft magazines I applied qualitative content analysis and image analysis. According to the results of this research, effects of trend can be recognized in knit designs of craft magazines, although the fashion trends have been applied very discreetly. Knit designs were very similar regardless of magazine. The craft magazine data included approximately as many designs from Novita and MODA. In Suuri Käsityölehti provided only fifth of the designs data. There were also designs in MODA and Suuri Käsityölehti, which were made of Novita's yarns. This research material includes yarns of 15 different yarn manufacturers. Although half of all knit designs were knitted from Novita's yarn. There were 10 different yarns from Novita. Nevertheless Novita's yarn called Aino was the most popular. Finnish craft magazines have not respond to popularity of knitting. Magazines do not provide any novelty designs for knitters. Knit designs in Finnish craft magazines are usually practical basic designs without any innovativeness.
(2017)Early childhood is a time that creates the foundation for an active lifestyle. Adults in pre-primary education should support the child’s holistic and physical growth. The adult should also support the child’s motoric development. Motoric growth is the foundation for a child’s physical growth and with the help of the motoric growth the child learns to look after her own physical performance. Pre-primary education has set aims for learning. Thus physical education in pre-primary education should be well planned and have clear aims for learning. The focus should be on the child and the child’s specific ways of learning. Physical education in pre-primary should be child friendly and motivating. The teacher has an important role in encouraging the child to an active way of life in a way that is specific to children. The purpose of this study is to examine the goals, plans and methods pre-primary teachers use during physical education classes. In this study I conduct the strategies the teachers use in physical education. The study is conducted using qualitative research methods. The material was gathered observing three pre-primary groups and their teachers twice during autumn 2016. The observations were done inside and outside during physical education classes. I analysed the material by transcription and separating it into groups by themes which demonstrated themes used in the research questions. I also used the teachers written plans to create a wider spectrum of physical education in preschool. The national core curriculum for Pre-primary education are used as background for the study. I also compared the observations and plans gathered with the curriculum. In this study I found out that exercise and physical education proved to be an integral part of pre-primary education. Pre-primary teachers put emphasis on child observation in doing physical education lesson plans. The teachers also integrated other learning aims of pre-primary education into the physical education classes. Pre- primary children were encouraged to also move around outside of physical education classes and this way promoted active lives. The teachers were encouraging and took the child in consideration as an individual. This study gives an encouraging view of the meaning and implementation of physical activity.
(2017)The formation of urban structure is a complicated process and its outcome, that cannot be easily forecast, is not necessarily optimal. This creates a need to understand the process and gives a reason to control it by urban planning. As the circumstances are in constant change, the plans have to anticipate the time to come – partly far into the future. Research is needed to support planning to understand the factors that affect the urban structure better. Accessibility, that seems to be one of the key factors in the processes of land use change, seems to provide a suitable tool for planning and research: when suitably defined, it can connect the properties of transport and land use systems as well as the economic, social and environmental goals. The availability of services is closely connected to the quality of living environment, so studying the accessibility of them can produce new notable information for the needs of urban planning. The aim of this study was to explain how changes in urban structure cause changes in the accessibility of services by walking, mass transit and car in the long term, and study how these changes could affect the use of the services both from the perspectives of the users' possibilities and the potential the services produce. The public library network in Helsinki region was studied as an example. Studying the accessibility of public libraries is useful as such, as they provide many types of positive impacts, but public libraries are also a convenient example in studying the accessibility of services as they are a service actively used in everyday life and information about the use is available. Distances in the accessibility measures were measured as travel time. Accessibility was measured both in travel times to the nearest library and in potentials of making a library trip calculated by library trip forecasting models based on the real behaviour of their users. Comparison was made between the years 2014 and 2050, during which the population and the transport system are expected to change as in the created scenarios, which are based on the new Helsinki City Plan. In addition, the possible effects to the accessibility of the public libraries by possible cost cuts in the service network were inspected by simulating the effects of the cuts. Based on the results the public libraries in the study area seem to be relatively well accessible by all the inspected transport modes. The changes in the transport systems seem to have minor effects on the accessibility when measured in travel time to the nearest library, but when the effects are measured in the potentials of making a library trip, they seem to be a bit more significant – by mass transit, accessibility would improve and by car, it would deteriorate. The forecast change in the population would increase the number of people accessing the nearest library in half an hour, but the proportion of this group to the total population in the area would be smaller than before. The attraction of libraries affect to the potentials they produce, but the impacts are concentrated on the surrounding areas of the libraries and on the traffic routes, where the accessibility is relatively good to begin with. Even though excluding some of the smallest libraries from the service network would have relatively small effects on the accessibility in the aggregate, the effects on individual level and for sustainable accessibility could be significant. Based on the study results more significant than the changes in the transport system or in the attraction of the services seem to be how near population and services are located each other: the prerequisites for multimodal accessibility cannot necessarily be guaranteed if the distances are long. Based on the study results, to prevent the deterioration of the preconditions of the goals of Finnish regional planning and the qualifications for sustainable accessibility due to the forecast population change – in other words to keep the current standard of service – some changes in the service network would be needed. However, as there was only one type of service inspected in this study and as there is uncertainty if the scenarios will happen in the future, the conclusions that can be drawn from the results are restricted. Still, studying the accessibility of a single service is useful as such as the needs for different type of services are different, and if it will give some hints of the future accessibility of services in general at the same time, even though just in a few scenarios, it can be easier to be prepared for the future.
(2020)Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaisena varhaiskasvatuksen opettajille kuuluva opetus- ja kasvatustyön suunnitteluun, arviointi- ja kehittämistehtäviin tarkoitettu työaika eli SAK-työaika näyttäytyy varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien käsityksissä. Samalla tutkittiin opettajien kokemuksia SAK-työajan toteutumiseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä ja käytännöistä varhais-kasvatuksen toimintakulttuureissa. SAK-työajan ohjeistukset ovat muuttuneet 2018 vastaa-maan varhaiskasvatuksen uudistuneita yhteiskunnallisia ohjaavia ja velvoittavia asiakirjoja. Varhaiskasvatuksen pedagogiikan suunnittelu ja opettajan pedagoginen vastuu ovat entisestään korostuneet. Samalla tutkimuksellinen kiinnostus varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien suunnittelua ja työnkuvaa kohtaan on heräämässä, joten aihe on hyvin ajankohtainen. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa taustassa aikaisempien tutkimusten lisäksi perehdytään uudistuneeseen varhaiskasvatuslakiin (L 540/2018), Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteisiin (VA-SU, 2018) sekä kuntatyönantajien (KVTES 2018-2019) ohjeistuksiin. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan, minkälaisia pedagogisen vastuun, suunnittelun, arvioinnin sekä kehittämisen vaati-muksia eri asiakirjat ja lait asettavat koko varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstölle, ja miten nämä vaatimukset ohjaavat varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien SAK-työaikaa? Varhaiskasvatuksen kontekstissa kuvataan SAK-työaikaan liittyviä käsitteitä: suunnittelu, arviointi sekä kehittäminen. Lisäksi tarkastellaan näkökulmia jaetusta pedagogisesta johtajuudesta sekä opettajajohtajuudesta, jotka liittyvät työyhteisöjen toimintakulttuuriin ja vastuisiin. Tutkimuksessa sovelletaan erityisesti Fonsénin tutkimuksen position mukaisesti laajenevien pedagogisen johtajuuden vastuualueiden -ajatusmallia sekä pedagogisen johtajuuden menetelmiä. Laadullisen tutkimuksen tiedonkeruu toteutettiin sähköisellä kyselylomakkeella kunnallisessa varhaiskasvatuksessa. 20 varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaa vastasi kyselylomakkeen avoimiin kysymyksiin keväällä 2020. Tutkimuksen aineisto analysoitiin käyttäen abduktiivista eli teoria-ohjaavaa tutkimustapaa soveltaen fenomenografista lähestymistapaa. Varhaiskasvatuksen työyhteisöissä erottui kolme hyvin erilaista toimintatapaa lähestyä SAK-työaikaa ja sen ohjeistuksia: Säännöllisesti, tarvittaessa sekä välinpitämättömästi. Tuloksia SAK-työajan toteutumiseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä on tarkasteltava ottamalla huomioon SAK-työajan mahdollisuuksiin, ja toteutumiseen vaikuttavat makro- ja mikrotason vastuualueet ja eri toimijoiden roolit. Tuloksien mukaan organisaatiohallinnon, yksiköiden johtajien, työyhteisön, kasvattajatiimien sekä varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien itsensä vastuunotto ja näkökulmat vaikuttavat merkittävästi SAK-työajan toteutumisessa.
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