Browsing by Subject "arviointi"
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(2022)Goals. The aim of this thesis was to examine the relationship between the assessments made on the teacher rating scale and the results of the direct measures of language development when assessing 4-year-old children’s language skills. The second aim was to find out how well early educators identify 4-year-old children who are at risk and those not at risk for language skills when using the teacher rating scale. Previous research has shown that form-based assessment tools are considered practical and efficient ways to assess children’s early language skills. The accuracy and consistency of the assessments have not been thoroughly investigated. This thesis will provide information on whether early educators identify those children who are at greater risk for language problems than their peers. Early identification is important to targeting the right kind of support. Methods. This study is a quantitative Master’s thesis. The research data included the results of the Lene and the Lukiva tests and the assessments made on the teacher rating scale for 4-year-old children (N=189) obtained in the initial sample of the Toimi ja opi research in 2019. The relationship between the assessments made on the teacher rating scale and the results of direct measures of language development was examined using Spearman’s and Pearson’s correlation analyses. The ability of early educators to identify 4-year-old children who are at risk and those not at risk for language skills was examined through configural frequency analysis. IBM SPSS Statistics 27 and Excel were used for data analysis. Results and conclusions. The results of the Master’s thesis showed a moderate and statistically significant relationship between the assessments made on the teacher rating scale and the direct measures of language development. The strongest connection was measured between the teacher rating scale and the Lene’s language comprehension test. The results also showed that the early educators were able to identify those 4-years-old children who are at risk and those not at risk for language skills when using the teacher rating scale. The findings show that the teacher rating scale is a viable tool for early educators to assess children’s language skills and to identify those who are at risk for language problems.
(2018)Tavoitteet. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mitä autismikirjon häiriön lasten arvioinnissa tulisi nykyistä paremmin huomioida, kun heille valitaan sopivaa AAC-keinoa. Lisäksi tarkoituksena oli selvittää, onko arvioinnin tueksi olemassa tutkimusten tukemia arviointimenetelmiä. Aiempien tutkimusten perusteella puheterapeuttien toteuttama AAC-keinoja tarvitsevien autismikirjon häiriön lasten arviointi perustuu vielä liiaksi tuttujen ja helposti saatavilla olevien menetelmien käyttöön, kokemusperäiseen, koulutuksissa ja kollegoilta saatuun tietoon sekä tutkimuksiin. Ilman tarkempia ohjeistuksia ja suoria, systemaattisia arviointimenetelmiä esimerkiksi symbolifunktion tai muiden taitojen kehityksen ongelmat saattavat jäädä löytämättä, jolloin lapsi ei saa tarpeittansa vastaavaa AAC-keinoa. Menetelmät. Tutkimuksen menetelmänä oli integroiva kirjallisuuskatsaus, johon etsittiin aineistoa kolmesta tieteellisestä tietokannasta. Hakusanoina käytettiin termejä autismikirjon häiriö, AAC-keinot ja arviointi, jotka hakulausekkeessa olivat muodossa autis* ja asd, aac ja augmentative and alternative communication sekä assess* ja evaluat*. Hakutuloksista valittiin artikkeleita ensin otsikon ja abstraktin perusteella, ja näistä koko tekstin perusteella valittiin 9 artikkelia. Yksi artikkeli valittiin hakutuloksista löytyneen artikkelin lähdetiedoista. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimustulosten perusteella autismikirjon häiriön lapsilta kannattaa arvioida nykyistä paremmin symbolifunktiota, semanttista organisointia ja kategorisointia, yhdistämis- ja jäljittelytaitoja sekä taitojen vakiintumista ja yleistymistä. Tutkimusten koehenkilömäärät olivat kuitenkin pieniä, minkä vuoksi tulokset ovat vain suuntaa antavia. Havaitsemista ja symboleiden ymmärtämistä voidaan tutkia ComFor-arviointimenetelmällä, jonka reliabiliteetti ja validiteetti todettiin hyviksi. Semanttista organisointia ja kategorisointia voidaan tutkia muokatulla MTS-testillä, mutta menetelmä tarvitsee vielä lisää tutkimusta.
(2024)Aims: Speechreading refers to detecting and understanding speech solely from the speaker’s facial movements using only visual perception. The technique is important for individuals with hearing loss but also those with normal hearing utilize it. It is necessary to assess a person’s speechreading skills both when determining their need for training and in monitoring the development of their skills during rehabilitation. However, there is currently no reliable method for assessing speechreading in Finland, although there is a need for it because assessment practices are unsystematic and varied between speech therapists. The aim of this thesis was to pilot an online assessment of speechreading for adults, along with its automatic scoring, and to examine the performance of normal-hearing adults in its word and sentence sections. In my thesis, I investigated how participants performed in the speechreading test at the word and sentence levels, how similar the rater’s manual scoring and the automatic scoring were, and how consistent the identification of different sentences was. Methods: The participants in the study (n=45) were adults with normal hearing between the ages of 20 and 59 (avg =25,9 yr). The method used was a speechreading test, where participants saw silent videos first with words and then with sentences, from which they wrote down what they understood the speaker had said. The data was collected from the participants’ responses and analysed using the SPSS statistical software. Participants’ performance was examined using the mean, median, standard deviation, range, and box plot. The differences between the scoring methods were analysed by examining the aforementioned statistical measures and another box plot and conducting a t-test of two samples. The consistency of the sentence collections, or internal consistency, was assessed in the entire sentence section and separately in each sentence collection using Cronbach’s alpha, as well as by looking at corrected item-total correlations, and alpha if item deleted values. Results and conclusions: Participants' performance varied a lot individually, especially in the word section of the test, as observed in previous research. The automatic scoring corresponded to the rater’s manual scoring, but the scoring methods differed significantly in the word section of the test. The internal consistency of all sentence collections was acceptable and sentence collection B proved to be the most fitting. Combining sentence collections A and C was tentatively found to be possible and useful. Based on the results, the speechreading test can be utilized in the future for assessing speechreading skills.
(2024)Aims: Speechreading refers to detecting and understanding speech solely from the speaker’s facial movements using only visual perception. The technique is important for individuals with hearing loss but also those with normal hearing utilize it. It is necessary to assess a person’s speechreading skills both when determining their need for training and in monitoring the development of their skills during rehabilitation. However, there is currently no reliable method for assessing speechreading in Finland, although there is a need for it because assessment practices are unsystematic and varied between speech therapists. The aim of this thesis was to pilot an online assessment of speechreading for adults, along with its automatic scoring, and to examine the performance of normal-hearing adults in its word and sentence sections. In my thesis, I investigated how participants performed in the speechreading test at the word and sentence levels, how similar the rater’s manual scoring and the automatic scoring were, and how consistent the identification of different sentences was. Methods: The participants in the study (n=45) were adults with normal hearing between the ages of 20 and 59 (avg =25,9 yr). The method used was a speechreading test, where participants saw silent videos first with words and then with sentences, from which they wrote down what they understood the speaker had said. The data was collected from the participants’ responses and analysed using the SPSS statistical software. Participants’ performance was examined using the mean, median, standard deviation, range, and box plot. The differences between the scoring methods were analysed by examining the aforementioned statistical measures and another box plot and conducting a t-test of two samples. The consistency of the sentence collections, or internal consistency, was assessed in the entire sentence section and separately in each sentence collection using Cronbach’s alpha, as well as by looking at corrected item-total correlations, and alpha if item deleted values. Results and conclusions: Participants' performance varied a lot individually, especially in the word section of the test, as observed in previous research. The automatic scoring corresponded to the rater’s manual scoring, but the scoring methods differed significantly in the word section of the test. The internal consistency of all sentence collections was acceptable and sentence collection B proved to be the most fitting. Combining sentence collections A and C was tentatively found to be possible and useful. Based on the results, the speechreading test can be utilized in the future for assessing speechreading skills.
(2013)The purpose of this study was to discover primary teachers' conceptions about singing and vocal control education and student assessment. The study was aimed to find out what kind of a role and status singing and vocal control education has in general and in relation to music education. In addition, the study examines what the teachers consider singing and vocal control education and what kind of teaching methods they used in their teaching. Furthermore, the study explores to the teachers' experiences with the teaching of singing and vocal control education. Finally, the study aims to map the student assessment methods teachers used and the challenges and opportunities these methods brings with them. The data were collected trough an Internet questionnaire. The study involved 31 primary school teachers from 15 different schools in Espoo, all of which had their own class. 87 % of the examinees were 30 years or older and 77 % had worked as a teacher for at least 6 years. 14 examinees did not teach music during the research and five of the examinees did not have any kind of music related hobbies. The research was a qualitative survey. The analysis was theory-driven content analysis. The study revealed, that half of the teachers would increase the amount of time spent on the teaching of singing and vocal control, and the other half would retain the present situation. In the teachers' opinions, the singing and vocal control education should begin in early childhood or primary education, at latest in the 3. Class. Only half of the teachers were able to explain how the singing and vocal control education was taken into account in their school's policy. The teachers mentioned 17 contents of singing and vocal control education, and teacher-led methods of teaching. Singing and vocal control education also appears in the native language lessons and in everyday school life. The teachers taught music because of their own enthusiasm and specialization on music education, and because of the principal's order. Half of the teachers felt that they had not received enough training to teach singing and vocal control. Methods for assessment of singing have been replaced by students' personal singing tests and observation. The student assessment is a challenge because of the large numbers of students in the groups. Teachers wish to receive a coherent student assessment criteria.
(2014)There is very little research on the effects of memory illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) on the linguistic performance of congenitally deaf sign language users. With spoken language users the effects of AD are often first found in semantics and pragmatics. Deteriorated naming skills are often an early symptom of AD. As the disease progresses the linguistic skills are widely affected and communicating becomes difficult. When studying sign language users results have shown that people with AD have corresponding difficulties of comprehending and producing signed language as spoken language users with Dementia have with spoken language. The aim of this research was to study how two Finnish Sign Language (FSL) users with AD perform in object and action naming tests. The participants were evaluated with the Boston Naming Test (BNT) and the Action Naming Test (ANT) in two consecutive years. Of each performance, the researcher recorded the total score, the number of immediate answers, the time the participant spent on the task and how the answers were given. An analysis of naming errors was made. As a result it was noted that both object and action naming skills of the participants deteriorated as Dementia progressed. Action naming skill were less affected than object naming skill. The participants made more errors and gave less immediate responses in the BNT than in the ANT. Both the signed responses and the method of answering varied with the FSL users with a memory illness: the answers were given either in varying signs, by speaking only or by both speaking and signing simultaneously, or with signs created spontaneously in test situation. Most of the errors were Other errors, especially “I don’t know” –answers in both tests. As a result of this study it is clear that there is a need for assessment tests which have been translated into sign language, since the existing naming tests are not necessarily suitable for testing signed language users without a culturally-sensitive translation. This study is the first longitudinal study in Finland focusing on evaluating Finnish Sign Language users with Dementia and the changes in their linguistic skills. It is also one of the first studies internationally on the linguistic changes of sign language users with a memory illness.
(2019)Objectives. Prior research on educational literature has identified shortcomings in equality in assessment. In addition, prior research has observed that teachers evaluate pupils with respect to other pupils rather than with respect to general learning objectives. Solutions to these challenges have not, however, been proposed. This thesis seeks to examine assessment from perspectives of validity and equality and to offer solutions in increasing the equality in assessment. Increasing the equality of assessment is needed, as varying assessment sets pupils to inequal position with regards to further studies as well as development and growth as learner. Ultimately, this thesis seeks to develop assessment but also to shed light to underlying challenges of equal assessment. Methodology. The data utilized in this thesis was based on a web-based brainstorming session made for teachers and other actors in primary school, and in particular on responses to question on how to increase equality of assessment. The brainstorming session was organized by Fountain Park, and funded by Finnish National Agency for Education. The total number of responses was 2487. The research methodology applied in this thesis was sample-based and inductive qualitative analysis. The responses were first categorized by using Atlas.ti qualitative analysis software due to the large number of responses. As a result of data analysis and conceptualization, eight categories were created. Findings and conclusions. The eight factors increasing equality in assessment found in this research are 1) requirements of collaboration between evaluators, 2) increasing knowledge e.g. through trainings, 3) diverse assessment methods, 4) consideration of individuality in assessment, 5) nationwide assessment system including e.g. exam and assignment library 6) openness of assessment towards pupils, 7) detailed assessment criteria and objectives in the curriculum and 8) resources. Resources are not directly related to increasing equality in assessment, however resources were seen as a barrier or enabler for the other factors. For the identified factors to be realized in practice, different actors on levels of teachers, schools, as well as administration are needed. As a support his/her assessment work, a teacher needs knowledge and trainings provided by the administrative actors, collaboration with colleagues, and sufficient assessment skills.
(2019)Objectives. Prior research on educational literature has identified shortcomings in equality in assessment. In addition, prior research has observed that teachers evaluate pupils with respect to other pupils rather than with respect to general learning objectives. Solutions to these challenges have not, however, been proposed. This thesis seeks to examine assessment from perspectives of validity and equality and to offer solutions in increasing the equality in assessment. Increasing the equality of assessment is needed, as varying assessment sets pupils to inequal position with regards to further studies as well as development and growth as learner. Ultimately, this thesis seeks to develop assessment but also to shed light to underlying challenges of equal assessment. Methodology. The data utilized in this thesis was based on a web-based brainstorming session made for teachers and other actors in primary school, and in particular on responses to question on how to increase equality of assessment. The brainstorming session was organized by Fountain Park, and funded by Finnish National Agency for Education. The total number of responses was 2487. The research methodology applied in this thesis was sample-based and inductive qualitative analysis. The responses were first categorized by using Atlas.ti qualitative analysis software due to the large number of responses. As a result of data analysis and conceptualization, eight categories were created. Findings and conclusions. The eight factors increasing equality in assessment found in this research are 1) requirements of collaboration between evaluators, 2) increasing knowledge e.g. through trainings, 3) diverse assessment methods, 4) consideration of individuality in assessment, 5) nationwide assessment system including e.g. exam and assignment library 6) openness of assessment towards pupils, 7) detailed assessment criteria and objectives in the curriculum and 8) resources. Resources are not directly related to increasing equality in assessment, however resources were seen as a barrier or enabler for the other factors. For the identified factors to be realized in practice, different actors on levels of teachers, schools, as well as administration are needed. As a support his/her assessment work, a teacher needs knowledge and trainings provided by the administrative actors, collaboration with colleagues, and sufficient assessment skills.
(2020)Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuvata perusopetuksen arvioinnin ja oppijan minäpystyvyyden välistä yhteyttä. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että arviointi vaikuttaa lapsen mi-näkäsityksen kehittymiseen. Lapsen kokonaisvaltaisen kasvun ja elinikäisen oppimisen edis-tämisen takia arvioinnin tulee kehittää myönteistä minäpystyvyyttä oppijana. Tutkimuskysy-mykseksi asetettiin ”Millä tavoin arviointi on yhteydessä oppijan minäpystyvyyteen aiemman aiheesta kirjoitetun tutkimuskirjallisuuden mukaan?”. Tutkielma on laadullinen kirjallisuuskatsaus, jonka toteutus mukaili kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen mallia. Aineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavan sisällönanalyysin mukaan. Tutkimusai-neistona oli ajankohtaista suomalaista tutkimuskirjallisuutta, joka on haettu tutkimusaihee-seen liittyvillä hakusanoilla ARTO-tietokannasta. Arviointi oli monella tapaa yhteydessä oppijan minäpystyvyyteen. Oppijan suhtautuminen ar-viointiin vaikutti siihen, millä tavoin arviointi oli yhteydessä oppijan minäpystyvyyteen. Arvioin-titavoilla voitiin vaikuttaa siihen, minkälainen suhtautuminen arviointiin oppijalle muodostui. Tärkeimmät tekijät arvioinnin myönteiselle minäpystyvyyden kehittymisen tukemiselle olivat arvioinnin kohdistuminen oppimisprosessiin, yksilöllisen kehittymisen huomioiminen arvioin-nissa ja arvioinnin ymmärrettävyys.
(2017)The purpose of this thesis was to study the assessment mentioned in Core Curriculum for Pre-Primary Education. Previous studies have shown that it can be seen transitions from comprehensive assessment to individual assessment and documentation of child's development and learning in Finnish early childhood education. The Core Curriculum is an administrative document that guides the local curriculum work. It is also a part of curriculum including pedagogical guidance. The aim of this thesis was to specify how the assessment in National Core Curriculum for Pre-Primary Education is defined and how the core curriculum will guide the assessment. The objective was also to study the changes to the references related to the assessment in core curriculum. The theoretical framework of this study is consisted of research and literature about the assessment in early childhood and pre-primary education and about core curriculum. This thesis was carried out as a qualitative research and the theoretical framework is a social constructionism. The research data and material consisted of Core Curricula for Pre-Primary Education 2000, 2010 and 2014 published on the website of Finnish National Board of Education. The data were analyzed using critical discourse analysis, but also based on an analytic orientation approach and text-oriented. On the grounds of the study results the amount of references related to the assessment has increased and become more exact in Core Curricula for Pre-Primary Education in 2000, 2010 and 2014. Though, only in Core Curriculum 2014 the assessment was defined as a concept. It could be seen the emphases of child's individual assessment. This is the result of practices concerning the support for growth and learning which are added to Core Curriculum for Pre-Primary Education in 2010 and specified in 2014. Based on the study results, these practices have brought individual support needs and early identification and intervention in pre-primary education. These include a thought about child's individual assessment which enables that the support needs can be identificated and can be influenced. Interpretations and classifications made on the basis of the assessment will enable to targeting support as accurately as possible. These involve also features that standardize children and childhood. The analysis indicates that the general principles in the core curriculum emphasize more child's assessment than assessment of pre-primary education operation but the situation is changing. The latest Core Curriculum for Pre-Primary Education 2014 emphasized in assessment increasingly the action of pre-primary education and learning environment. The assessment in pre-primary education, especially the assessment of operation seem to be associated with discourse of quality mentioned in previous studies. How the changes will be seen in practices of the pre-primary education i.e. how the guidance of core curriculum will affect in future, is the subject of future studies. This thesis will provide further information about the assessment in National Core Curriculum for Pre-Primary Education and it will form basis for further discussions.
(2017)The purpose of this thesis was to study the assessment mentioned in Core Curriculum for Pre-Primary Education. Previous studies have shown that it can be seen transitions from comprehensive assessment to individual assessment and documentation of child’s development and learning in Finnish early childhood education. The Core Curriculum is an administrative document that guides the local curriculum work. It is also a part of curriculum including pedagogical guidance. The aim of this thesis was to specify how the assessment in National Core Curriculum for Pre-Primary Education is defined and how the core curriculum will guide the assessment. The objective was also to study the changes to the references related to the assessment in core curriculum. The theoretical framework of this study is consisted of research and literature about the assessment in early childhood and pre-primary education and about core curriculum. This thesis was carried out as a qualitative research and the theoretical framework is a social constructionism. The research data and material consisted of Core Curricula for Pre-Primary Education 2000, 2010 and 2014 published on the website of Finnish National Board of Education. The data were analyzed using critical discourse analysis, but also based on an analytic orientation approach and text-oriented. On the grounds of the study results the amount of references related to the assessment has increased and become more exact in Core Curricula for Pre-Primary Education in 2000, 2010 and 2014. Though, only in Core Curriculum 2014 the assessment was defined as a concept. It could be seen the emphases of child´s individual assessment. This is the result of practices concerning the support for growth and learning which are added to Core Curriculum for Pre-Primary Education in 2010 and specified in 2014. Based on the study results, these practices have brought individual support needs and early identification and intervention in pre-primary education. These include a thought about child’s individual assessment which enables that the support needs can be identificated and can be influenced. Interpretations and classifications made on the basis of the assessment will enable to targeting support as accurately as possible. These involve also features that standardize children and childhood. The analysis indicates that the general principles in the core curriculum emphasize more child’s assessment than assessment of pre-primary education operation but the situation is changing. The latest Core Curriculum for Pre-Primary Education 2014 emphasized in assessment increasingly the action of pre-primary education and learning environment. The assessment in pre-primary education, especially the assessment of operation seem to be associated with discourse of quality mentioned in previous studies. How the changes will be seen in practices of the pre-primary education i.e. how the guidance of core curriculum will affect in future, is the subject of future studies. This thesis will provide further information about the assessment in National Core Curriculum for Pre-Primary Education and it will form basis for further discussions.
(2012)Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kuinka yhteneväisiä ovat kahdeksasluokkalaisten nuorten ja heidän vanhempiensa arviot nuorten terveydestä ja hyvinvoinnista. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin nuoren sukupuolen merkitystä arviointien yhteneväisyyteen ja tutkittiin sosiodemografisten tekijöiden vaikutusta nuorten terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin arviointeihin. Tutkimuksessa painotetaan sukupuolinäkökulmaa ja teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimii sosialisaatioteoria. Aiemmat tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että vanhempien ja nuorten arviot nuorten terveydestä ja hyvinvoinnista ovat ristiriitaisia (Upton, Lawford, Eiser, 2008). Vanhemmat tekevät käytännössä usein päätökset nuorten terveydenhoitoon liittyvissä asioissa. Erot nuorten terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin arvioinneissa voivat pahimmillaan pitkittää nuoren subjektiivista kärsimystä ja viivyttää avun saamista. Tutkimuskysymykset muodostettiin aiemman tutkimustiedon pohjalta seuraavasti: 1. Ovatko vanhempien arviot nuorten terveydestä ja hyvinvoinnista optimistisempia kuin nuorten omat arviot? 2. Eroavatko vanhempien arviot nuorten terveydestä ja hyvinvoinnista tyttöjen ja poikien osalta? ja 3. Vaikuttavatko sosiodemografiset tekijät (vanhempien siviilisääty, koulutustaso ja perheen taloudellinen tilanne) nuorten ja vanhempien arvioihin nuoren terveydestä ja hyvinvoinnista? Tutkimusaineisto liittyi Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen toteuttamaan Lasten ja nuorten terveysseurannan kehittämishankkeeseen (LATE 2006–2011) ja hankkeessa toteutettua tutkimusta vuosina 2007–2009 (N= 6509). Tutkimusaineisto oli osa LATE-hankkeessa vuonna 2007 kerättyä aineistoa ja kohderyhmänä olivat suomalaiset kahdeksasluokkalaiset nuoret (N= 1002) ja heidän vanhempansa (N= 1002). Tutkimuksen otos analyyseissä koostui 994 vanhempi-lapsi parista. Otoksesta oli tyttöjä 53 prosenttia. Aineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin PASW18 tilasto-ohjelmaa ja kvantitatiivisia menetelmiä. Nuoren terveyttä ja hyvinvointia mitattiin kolmen indikaattorin kautta, jotka olivat koettu terveys, mieliala ja somaattiset oireet ja vaikeudet. Arvioiden yhteneväisyyttä ja yhteneväisyyden voimakkuutta tutkittiin korrelaatiokertoimien (Pearson) kautta ja lisäksi korrelaatioiden yhtä suuruutta tarkasteltiin nuorten sukupuoliryhmien välillä. Ryhmätasolla arviointien yhteneväisyyksiä ja eroavuuksia tutkittiin Studentin t-testillä ja ristiintaulukoinnin sekä χ²-testien kautta. Sosiodemografisten tekijöiden yhteyttä vanhempien ja nuorten arvioihin tarkasteltiin yksisuuntaisella varianssianalyysillä (ANOVA). Kaikissa analyyseissä huomioitiin nuoret sukupuoliryhmittäin. Tutkimuksen päätuloksena oli, että poikien eriasteinen somaattinen oireilu ja vaikeudet jäävät niin äideiltä kuin isiltäkin helpommin huomaamatta. Vanhempien heikompi kyky tunnistaa poikien kuin tyttöjen oireilua ja vaikeuksia sekä mielialaa voi pahimmillaan johtaa tilanteeseen, jossa ongelmat kasautuvat ja poikien pahoinvoinnin tunnistaminen ja avun saanti viivästyvät. Lisäksi perherakenteiden muutokset ja perheiden sosioekonomisen tilanteen heikkeneminen näyttävät heijastuvan nuorten arvioihin heikompana terveytenä ja hyvinvointina. Tutkimustulosten mukaan kahdeksasluokkalaisten nuorten terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin arvioinneissa tulee ensisijaisesti kuunnella nuorten omaa arviota. Lisäksi poikien omaan arvioon tulee kiinnittää erityistä huomiota. Näin voidaan vähentää nuorten subjektiivista kärsimystä ja luoda myönteisemmät edellytykset aikuisiän parempaan hyvinvointiin.
(2016)A versatile understanding of different text types and producing texts according to those are important skills to be learned at school. It is important that teacher is capable of evaluating different text types written by students and give constructive feedback out of those. The purpose of this research is to find out what elements a teacher should take into account when giving feedback and evaluating student written reviews. In this research a feedback and evaluation model will be created. A teacher can use the model when evaluating whether or not typical features of review exist in student written texts and give constructive feedback of writing for the students. Functionality of the model will be tested in practice in this research. This qualitative research was implemented in two phases. Research material of the first phase consisted drama reviews written by one fifth grade class' students (total 21). Reviews were analyzed by using genre analysis and based on analyzed reviews and earlier theories a feedback and evaluation model was created as well as tested against the research material. On the second phase of the research three teachers tested the feedback and evaluation model in practice. The teachers were then interviewed and the interviews were analyzed with content analysis. Based on the student texts' analysis and earlier theories the selected parts to be viewed from reviews written by students were review's sections and structure, own voice, paragraphing, vividness and distinctiveness of language, and length of text. These parts were then divided into more detailed questions. The material's drama reviews' structure mainly consisted explanations of writer's opinion. In addition the reviews' presented well the description of writer's own viewing experience. The occurrence of any evaluated part was not directly linked to the occurrence of other parts. The teachers found out that use of the feedback and evaluation model was helpful. Based on their opinions the most useful parts were own voice, vividness and distinctiveness of language, and review's sections and structure out of which remarkably important was opinion. Paragraphing was found out to be least useful. In addition a new part, theme, came up and it had not been taken into account in the model. Based on the teachers' opinions it can be deduced that the feedback and evaluation model is helpful in both planning the actual teaching as well as in giving feedback. It would be good to develop the model so that it would concentrate more clearly on inspecting review's content rather than formal things like paragraphing or length of text.
(2012)Forskningsobjektet i avhandlingen var socialarbetare i vuxenpsykiatrin vid Helsingfors och Nylands sjukvårdsdistrikt (HNS). Avhandlingens syfte var att studera hur socialarbetare bedömer patienters beredskap till förändring, som en del av den mångprofessionella arbetsgruppens utredning och bedömning av patientens situation, och vilken kunskapsbasen för detta var. Som teoretiskt utgångsläge har beredskapsbedömning genom indikatorer och kritisk reflektion använts. Undersökningen genomfördes genom vinjettundersökning och djupintervjuer. Vinjetten var en beskrivning på en typisk patientsituation i psykiatrin. Socialarbetama tog ställning till vilket långsiktigt mål och vilka delmål de kunde tänka sig att planera med patienten. Undersökningen har analyserats både kvalitativt och kvantitativt med slutna och öppna frågor. Undersökningen gjordes som en intemetundersökning och länken till hemsidan skickades till socialarbetarna per e-post. Intervjuernas syfte var att fördjupa kunskapen om bedömningar av patientens situation från ett socialarbetarperspektiv. Sammanlagt 26 socialarbetare svarade på vinjettundersökningen, av vilka 5 intervjuades. En inledande kvantitativ analys av beredskapsindikatorerna gjordes. Analysen gjordes med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Det visade sig att socialarbetama inte beaktade indikatorema i hög bemärkelse. Inte heller kunde bedömningen fastslås till att utgå enbart från enskilda aspekter i patientens situation. Vinjettsvaren utvecklades till professionella narrativ. De professionella narrativen visade att socialarbetarna bedömde beredskapen i en pågående process, genom reflexiv/reflektiv expertis. Socialarbetarna bedömde delvis patientens beredskap mot den långsiktiga målsättningen, på basen av den givna bakgrundsinformationen i vinjetten. Majoriteten ansåg att patienten har beredskap att återvända till arbetslivet, vilket är en relativt hög beredskap. I bedömningen av patientens beredskap på lång sikt var socialarbetarna eniga. Vid bedömningen av beredskapen för första interventionen varierade bedömningen. En del socialarbetare planerade interventioner där det behövs låg beredskap och andra ansåg att patienten hade en beredskap till lite mer krävande interventioner. Intervjuerna skilde sig på en väsentlig punkt åt från vinjettsvaren: materialinsamlingen skedde några månader efter att HNS i praktiken genomfört en enorm organisationsförändring och detta diskuteras under intervjuerna. Tidsmässigt har materialinsamlingen för avhandlingen skett i ett brytningsskede, där det införts praktiker som överensstämmer med New Public Management-tänkande.
(2021)There are no comprehensive research data on Finnish matriculation examinations in biology. This type of data is needed, because evaluation guides what and how students learn and what they consider important. Genetics is one the most challenging topics in biology, and in the opinion of teachers it will continue to be an important discipline in the future. The importance of studying genetics can also be justified with philosophical, social and health reasons. This is why the present study focused on the genetics component of the matriculation exam in biology. The aim of the study was to provide information on the challenges and contents of past matriculation examinations in biology and how they have aligned with high school curricula. The results of the study could be used to evaluate this alignment in relation to genetics questions in the biology exam, and could help in designing new matriculation examinations that align better with the existing high or new high school curricula and their aims. The research questions were: 1. What knowledge and cognitive dimensions are measured with the genetics-related questions in matriculation examinations in biology? 2. How do knowledge and cognitive dimensions in genetics-related questions in biology matriculation examinations relate to high school curriculum aims? The data comprised matriculation examination papers in biology from spring 2011 to autumn 2020 (20 exams) and the aims of the Finnish national High School Curriculum in 2003 and in 2015. Qualitative content analysis was performed on the knowledge dimensions (factual, conceptual or procedural knowledge) and the cognitive process dimensions (remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating or creating). The basis of this qualitative content analysis was Bloom’s revised taxonomy. The analysis was conducted on genetics-related matriculation examination questions and on the aims of the high school curriculum. The test questions and the aims were compared to determine whether they aligned. Classified questions were divided into two subcategories depending on which high school curricula they corresponded to. Genetics-related questions from spring 2011 to autumn 2017 corresponded to the High School Curriculum in 2003 and questions from spring 2018 to autumn 2020 corresponded to the High School Curriculum in 2015. Questions from the previous period were divided into all knowledge dimensions. All questions, except one, incorporated lower cognitive dimensions (remembering, understanding and applying). The main combined class was understanding conceptual knowledge. Questions from the later time period were also divided into all knowledge dimensions. Mostly lower cognitive dimensions were incorporated into the questions, but a few subquestions addressed higher cognitive dimensions (analyzing, evaluating and creating). The main combined class was understanding conceptual knowledge. All the aims were classified into conceptual or procedural knowledge classes. The aims were also divided between all cognitive dimensions, except remembering. Using constructive alignment as the basis for matching aims with questions, two aims in the High School Curriculum of 2003 and six aims in the High School Curriculum of 2015 had no questions that matched them. These aims mostly measured the cognitive dimension of creating. Several aims appeared to incorporate higher cognitive dimensions, but the questions were less well aligned with the aims than with those incorporating lower cognitive dimensions. The results concerning knowledge and cognitive dimensions were mostly as expected. Lower cognitive dimensions were highlighted in genetics-related matriculation examination questions in biology. The challenge of interpretation brought ambiguity to the aims and cumulative levels of cognitive dimensions when aligning questions with aims, as some of the questions aligned with aims did not assess such high cognitive dimensions as would be expected based on the aims, but were nonetheless aligned with them. Furthermore, there may be several reasons behind the absence of the creating dimension in matriculation examination questions. The alignment of questions and aims would be important to consider in the future, because evaluation has a considerable impact on studying.
(2021)There are no comprehensive research data on Finnish matriculation examinations in biology. This type of data is needed, because evaluation guides what and how students learn and what they consider important. Genetics is one the most challenging topics in biology, and in the opinion of teachers it will continue to be an important discipline in the future. The importance of studying genetics can also be justified with philosophical, social and health reasons. This is why the present study focused on the genetics component of the matriculation exam in biology. The aim of the study was to provide information on the challenges and contents of past matriculation examinations in biology and how they have aligned with high school curricula. The results of the study could be used to evaluate this alignment in relation to genetics questions in the biology exam, and could help in designing new matriculation examinations that align better with the existing high or new high school curricula and their aims. The research questions were: 1. What knowledge and cognitive dimensions are measured with the genetics-related questions in matriculation examinations in biology? 2. How do knowledge and cognitive dimensions in genetics-related questions in biology matriculation examinations relate to high school curriculum aims? The data comprised matriculation examination papers in biology from spring 2011 to autumn 2020 (20 exams) and the aims of the Finnish national High School Curriculum in 2003 and in 2015. Qualitative content analysis was performed on the knowledge dimensions (factual, conceptual or procedural knowledge) and the cognitive process dimensions (remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating or creating). The basis of this qualitative content analysis was Bloom’s revised taxonomy. The analysis was conducted on genetics-related matriculation examination questions and on the aims of the high school curriculum. The test questions and the aims were compared to determine whether they aligned. Classified questions were divided into two subcategories depending on which high school curricula they corresponded to. Genetics-related questions from spring 2011 to autumn 2017 corresponded to the High School Curriculum in 2003 and questions from spring 2018 to autumn 2020 corresponded to the High School Curriculum in 2015. Questions from the previous period were divided into all knowledge dimensions. All questions, except one, incorporated lower cognitive dimensions (remembering, understanding and applying). The main combined class was understanding conceptual knowledge. Questions from the later time period were also divided into all knowledge dimensions. Mostly lower cognitive dimensions were incorporated into the questions, but a few subquestions addressed higher cognitive dimensions (analyzing, evaluating and creating). The main combined class was understanding conceptual knowledge. All the aims were classified into conceptual or procedural knowledge classes. The aims were also divided between all cognitive dimensions, except remembering. Using constructive alignment as the basis for matching aims with questions, two aims in the High School Curriculum of 2003 and six aims in the High School Curriculum of 2015 had no questions that matched them. These aims mostly measured the cognitive dimension of creating. Several aims appeared to incorporate higher cognitive dimensions, but the questions were less well aligned with the aims than with those incorporating lower cognitive dimensions. The results concerning knowledge and cognitive dimensions were mostly as expected. Lower cognitive dimensions were highlighted in genetics-related matriculation examination questions in biology. The challenge of interpretation brought ambiguity to the aims and cumulative levels of cognitive dimensions when aligning questions with aims, as some of the questions aligned with aims did not assess such high cognitive dimensions as would be expected based on the aims, but were nonetheless aligned with them. Furthermore, there may be several reasons behind the absence of the creating dimension in matriculation examination questions. The alignment of questions and aims would be important to consider in the future, because evaluation has a considerable impact on studying.
(2017)Tutkielma käsittelee yritysviestinnän vaikuttavuuden mittaamista ja arviointia. Tutkielma pyrkii tarjoamaan tietoa käytössä olevista mittaamisen ja arvioinnin keinoista, niihin liittyvistä haasteista sekä asenteista, jotka vaikuttavat viestinnän vaikuttavuuden mittaamiseen ja arvioinnin prosessiin. Aihe on noussut erityisesti 2000-luvulla merkittäväksi viestinnän alan tutkimuksen aiheeksi, koska selkeästi vakiintuneita keinoja viestinnän vaikuttavuuden mittaamiseen ja arviointiin ei ole käytössä, vaikka toiminto muuten on saavuttanut yrityksissä vakiintuneen aseman. Samanaikaisesti yritysten johto esittää vaatimuksia viestinnän vaikuttavuuden osoittamiseksi, sillä yritystoiminnan luonteeseen kuuluu toiminnan kriittinen arviointi ja pyrkimys mahdollisimman kustannustehokkaaseen toimintaan. Tutkielman taustana on kirjallisuuskatsaus, joka kartoittaa viestinnän vaikuttavuuden mittaamisen ja arvioinnin kehitystä, yritysviestinnän vaikuttavuuden muodostumista sekä yleisimmin käytössä olevia keinoja yritysviestinnän mittaamiseen ja arviointiin. Erityisesti James Grunigin johtaman tutkimusryhmän muotoilema Excellence-teoria, Elisa Juholinin ja Tom Watsonin tekstit ovat keskeisessä roolissa tämän tutkimuksen kirjallisuuslähteinä. Tutkielman empiirinen osio lähestyy yritysviestinnän vaikuttavuuden mittaamista ja arviointia Delfoi-menetelmän keinoin. Delfoi-menetelmä on keino saada joukko tutkimusaiheen asiantuntijoita keskustelemaan keskenään tutkimuksen toteuttajan kautta. Tässä tutkielmassa on haastateltu verkkopohjaisen kyselylomakkeen välityksellä 15 suomalaista yritysviestinnän alan ammattilaista kahdella kierroksella. Tutkielman perusteella suomalaisten yritysviestinnän ammattilaisten keskuudessa on laajaa kiinnostusta viestinnän vaikuttavuuden mittaamiseen ja arviointiin, mutta prosessin suunnittelu ja toteuttaminen koetaan usein haastavaksi. Vaikuttavuuden arvioinnin perustana on oltava selkeästi määritellyt tavoitteet, mitä viestinnällä halutaan saavuttaa yrityksessä. Tutkielma osoitti, että tavoitteiden määrittelyssä koetaan usein olevan haasteita, minkä vuoksi myös viestinnän vaikuttavuuden mittaaminen ja arviointi on vaikeaa. Tavoitteiden saavuttamista ja yritysviestinnän vaikuttavuutta tulisi mitata monipuolisella kokoelmalla kvantitatiivisia ja kvalitatiivisia mittaamisen ja arvioinnin keinoja, jotka on valittu yrityksen tarpeet huomioiden. Yritysviestinnän alan ammattilaisten keskuudessa on vahvaa kiinnostusta osoittaa viestinnän vaikuttavuus ja taloudellinen hyöty yrityksen liiketoiminnalle lukujen avulla, kun taas tieteellinen kirjallisuus on usein skeptinen kvalitatiivisten menetelmien sopivuudesta viestinnän lopullisen vaikuttavuuden osoittajaksi. Viestinnän vaikuttavuuden osoittaminen yritysmaailman kielellä nähdään keinoksi lisätä viestintätoiminnon arvostusta ja näkyvyyttä, mutta toiminnon luonne asettaa tälle haasteita: vaikuttavuus voi olla havaittavissa pitkällä aikavälillä, viestinnän vaikuttavuutta voi olla hankala erottaa muusta yrityksen toiminnasta ja viestinnän tehtäviin kuuluu liiketoiminnan ongelmien ja riskien ennaltaehkäisy voittojen tuottamisen sijaan. Yritysviestinnän vaikuttavuuden mittaamisen ja arvioinnin prosessia tulisi kehittää liittäen siihen toiminnon eri osa-alueet ja hyödyntäen alan ammattijärjestöjen, tieteellisen tutkimusten ja yritysmaailman tuottamaa tietoa. Tutkielman mukaan yritysviestinnän alan ammattilaiset kokevat, että viestinnän vaikuttavuuden onnistunut arviointi tarjoaisi selkeitä hyötyjä viestinnän toiminnolle ja koko yrityksen liiketoiminnalle. Yritysviestintä toimii parhaimmillaan yrityksen viestinnän tehtävien koordinoijana ja yritysjohdon strategisena kumppanina. Tämän ideaalin täyttämiseksi yritysviestinnällä pitää kuitenkin olla selkeät tavoitteet ja sen toimintaa tulee arvioida kokonaisuutena, johon kuuluu välittömien tulosten tarkastelun lisäksi analyysi toiminnon kokonaisvaltaisesta vaikuttavuudesta eri sidosryhmien näkökulmasta.
(2023)Objectives. The aim of this study is to examine elementary school teachers’ views on reading comprehension and teaching reading comprehension. The objective is to gain information about the different ways in which teachers think about reading comprehension. Another objective is to gain information on the ways in which teachers teach and assess reading comprehension. Methods. The study was conducted in Finland as a qualitative research. A semi-structured thematic interview was used to collect data. The interviews were conducted between February and May in 2023. The sample (N = 6) consisted of 4 class teachers and 2 teachers who taught Finnish as second language. After transcription the data was analyzed by using qualitative content analysis method. Results. According to teachers reading comprehension is a complex phenomenon. There were multiple factors that teachers associated with good reading comprehension such as language skills, the home literacy environment and textual factors. Reading comprehension was viewed as a tool for learning and a way of making it through everyday life. Teachers mentioned that it was important to support good reading experiences and reading motivation among students. Reading comprehension was taught simultaneously with different subjects. Instruction of reading comprehension also meant teaching of strategies and supporting children’s interest for reading. Instruction of reading comprehension is an important aspect of teaching as a whole. It’s important to support teachers in their efforts to nurture literacy.
(2017)According to basic education national core curriculum (2014) the purpose of basic education is to advance equality, parity and justice. Physical education and its assessment aim to advance the fulfillment of equality by considering every pupil in teaching and with equal assessment. The purpose of this educational sciences study is to describe and analyze class teachers' experiences and perceptions of execution in physical education and assessment in a mainstream physical education group where there are pupils with special needs being integrated. The starting point of this study is to examine the execution of physical education and different evaluation practices and how their impacts show on the pupils and their learning through teachers' eyes. This study is a qualitative research. The focus group of this study consists from ten class teachers that all work in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The material of this study was acquired by a questionnaire that consisted of open questions. Before the actual questionnaire was sent to the participants there was a pre inquiry which was also included in the study. The material was analyzed by using the content analysis. According to the study results almost all of the participants felt that teaching an inclusive physical education group is challenging. The teachers felt that different needs of support bring challenges to the planning and executing of teaching. Teachers felt that integration benefits the pupils with special needs despite of the challenges. Pupils making friendships and understanding differences were seen as the advantages of integration. The teachers felt that the assessment of physical education is also challenging. Assessing pupils with special needs with the same criteria's of assessment was seen as a thing that increases inequality. Especially the assessment of abilities was kept challenging. All of the teachers found trying and activity during class as more important targets of assessment than physical abilities. The teachers used mainly ongoing assessment and giving feedback as a method of assessment. This kind of assessment was seen as a thing that gives the pupil experiences of success which were seen important when it comes to improving self-esteem and inspiring towards sporty lifestyle.
(2017)According to basic education national core curriculum (2014) the purpose of basic education is to advance equality, parity and justice. Physical education and its assessment aim to advance the fulfillment of equality by considering every pupil in teaching and with equal assessment. The purpose of this educational sciences study is to describe and analyze class teachers’ experiences and perceptions of execution in physical education and assessment in a mainstream physical education group where there are pupils with special needs being integrated. The starting point of this study is to examine the execution of physical education and different evaluation practices and how their impacts show on the pupils and their learning through teachers’ eyes. This study is a qualitative research. The focus group of this study consists from ten class teachers that all work in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The material of this study was acquired by a questionnaire that consisted of open questions. Before the actual questionnaire was sent to the participants there was a pre inquiry which was also included in the study. The material was analyzed by using the content analysis. According to the study results almost all of the participants felt that teaching an inclusive physical education group is challenging. The teachers felt that different needs of support bring challenges to the planning and executing of teaching. Teachers felt that integration benefits the pupils with special needs despite of the challenges. Pupils making friendships and understanding differences were seen as the advantages of integration. The teachers felt that the assessment of physical education is also challenging. Assessing pupils with special needs with the same criteria’s of assessment was seen as a thing that increases inequality. Especially the assessment of abilities was kept challenging. All of the teachers found trying and activity during class as more important targets of assessment than physical abilities. The teachers used mainly ongoing assessment and giving feedback as a method of assessment. This kind of assessment was seen as a thing that gives the pupil experiences of success which were seen important when it comes to improving self-esteem and inspiring towards sporty lifestyle.
Now showing items 1-20 of 141